Tuesday, February 9, 2016

What Will I Do?

I made a jazzed up Ramen bowl this morning! I had this packet of ramen in my cupboard, some tofu, some cabbage and it just made sense. I added a little hoisin sauce and some sriracha. Very tasty.
I also came home from my morning hill climb to find Chunk being particularly cute.
This dork
If you can believe it, I had a major craving for potatoes yesterday! So much so that I made a special trip to go get some to have for dinner. I'm thinking about giving the potato cleanse another try. I like to finish what I started, and even though seven days is respectable, I feel like I need to complete the mission. Working on losing weight while not becoming obsessive or taking it to far is very new to me. I remember when I first recovered from my eating disorder I was in a relationship and living with a guy who worked at a pizza place. We didn't have a lot of money, so he brought home lots of vegetarian pizza's. We ate a lot of pizza, and also it was around that time I discovered Phish food. To eat and not have to purge afterwards was just the best feeling, I can never really explain it. So, I put on some weight, but I didn't even think about worrying because I was so happy and felt so free. It wasn't long after that I started drinking a bit heavier than usual, and the rest is a beer lover's history. I tried several times throughout those beer soaked years to drop a few, but I never was able to take health very seriously, considering I was in a self destructive cycle. So, I have to learn how to do a lot of things and shedding some weight without going crazy is one of them. I don't want to be super lean, or anything crazy, I just want to feel like I'm evenly distributed. And if I'm not partaking and getting pleasure from beer, I don't want to carry that weight. And other than the boredom, I really did feel great. I felt healthy, and my body felt super full of energy. I don't know. I'm going to get some groceries today, so I'm going to see how I feel when I get to the store. I'm going to let my intuition guide me. Speaking of potatoes, here are my beautiful fries from last night.
I really have perfected the low oil oven fry. I remember when I was first learning to cook, I struggled with making potatoes in the oven. I taught myself to cook without use of the interwebz, so it was really a struggle, and at times almost dangerous! I made a spicy aioli with sriracha and Just Mayo and fresh garlic, and also had some sweet chili sauce. If you haven't tried dipping potatoes in sweet chili sauce, you're missing out. Especially if you've seasoned the fries with a little curry powder. Yes please.
I'm off to ponder potatoes, and get my kitchen cleaned all at the same time!
Happy Tuesday!


  1. i ♡♡♡♡♡ the potato cleanse. i am 5'4" and weighed 159 when i started the cleanse. after 17 days of potatoes, i'm down to 147! woot woot! i have so much more energy and feel amazing! my goal weight is 120 and i now know i can achieve this goal by may. i think this potato cleanse is working for me because i never obsessed over it (i really didn't care if i stayed on it or not) and went with the flow. i hope you complete your mission and get to the weight that makes you feel your very best. good luck and potato on! I can't believe I said that! haha

    1. Wow, congratulations on your amazing results! That's really great to hear! I decided to "potato on" and go back on the cleanse.
      I'm going to definitely try your approach and go with the flow and really try to be less obsessive about it!
      Thanks for the encouragement, and I'd love to continue hearing your results!

    2. i will surely report back and hope to hear of your amazing results too. i am going to try exercising in a couple more weeks, maybe cardio to help with the progress. then, i may take a cleanse break for a week, and shift to other ❤-y veggies. then, it's potato on for another stretch, and rinse and repeat. so glad potatoes are cheap, cause what i'm saving on spuds can go towards new clothes. i almost ended that sentence with a rhyme (duds). ha-ha I swear, that potato song is messin wit my goud inglish ha-ha https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7uyKYeGPdE

  2. That's so fun that you decided to go back on the potato cleanse! I'm looking forward to seeing w :) at you eat and we'll be here to support you!! I've been moving toward starch solution and I'm hoping to be all in by Monday! I've been binge watching hch and their clogs as well and they just make it look so easy and delicious!! Your ramen looks pretty incredible by the way :)

    1. That's what made me go back to this cleanse is how happy Hannah is, and it seems so easy, so I figured I have to at least try again. I love that their food always looks so tasty, but they use really simple ingredients that I think anyone can find. I find both of them to be very inspiring.
      The ramen was amazing! I will miss it so!
      I hope the starch solution works for you. I know when I moved towards that way of eating I really did start to feel better. I felt a lot more energy, and just like everything was working as it should!


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