Wednesday, February 24, 2016


I made my favorite cauliflower dish last night, except I used a recipe for a Kung Pao sauce instead of the usual sauce. This was okay, but nowhere near as good. When you find perfection, why is it human nature to want to somehow change, or improve what is already perfect? The sauce wasn't thick or sticky enough, so it king of sogged up the whole deal. Still edible, just not the party I've come to love so much. Cauliflower has gotten so expensive, I don't know when I will buy more. Everywhere I've looked recently, it's been at least two or three dollars a pound, which adds up to six or more dollars for one cauliflower. Insane. I need to live somewhere where I can grow my own food. That's my dream actually, to be able to live as off the grid as possible.
I made potato lentil soup for breakfast, and I decided to whip out the George Foreman to make a grilled Chao sandwich. As you can see by the melt, it totally worked! What a comforting meal. If I closed my eyes, I felt like I was sitting at my grandma's kitchen table. The George Foreman grill is seriously ahmahzing. Nothing sticks to it, and you don't have to use any type of oil. Thanks potato cleanse!
Animal is still improving. She ate more this morning than I've seen her eat in days. She's super duper picky, I have to try several different foods to get her to eat. She's still moving really slow, and she doesn't jump up on anything. I'm so happy to see her feeling better, but I'm still so scared about what made her sick, and is it still happening? I sent an Email to the clinic today letting them know how extremely upset I am, and that I feel like I got the run around and I think it's insane that I still have no answers. I guess at the end of the day, Animal seems to be getting better and that's all I wanted.
Here she is today. Looking at me like please, don't shove another thing in my face! Between me constantly checking on her, having to give her two different types of liquid medication, plus a pill it's a wonder she isn't always hiding from me!
Here is a picture of Etta that I took with my camera! It somehow appeared in the file, but I don't know how I did it. See, it's a work in progress. This picture is my FIRST picture taken by me with my new-ish camera! Hopefully I'll have these kinks ironed out soon. Ha ha.
Just to be a TOTAL dork, here is the second picture ever taken by me! This hummus is almost gone by the way. I am making a special trip today to see if I can find more while it's still on sale. Look at how clear the picture is! I feel as much like a professional as someone can rocking a camera that one reviewer described as "perfect for her seven year old" !! Ha ha.
Happy Wednesday!
Most importantly, I forgot to show a picture of the veggie/hummus dagwood that I made yesterday. As promised, it was nowhere near as beautiful looking as I imagined. luckily it tasted as delicious as I wanted. What can I say, I am no sandwich artist, and I stand tall in my truth!
Happy Wednesday!


  1. That sandwich is perfection. Subway can't touch it :)

  2. Oh i am so glad to see that Animal is doing better, i hope the improvement continues!
    Your photos with the new camera are great- etta is gorgeous and that carrot hummus looks delicious.

    1. Thank you! It really is a miracle. Today she woke me up for breakfast, this time last week she wouldn't eat a thing!
      The carrot hummus was really delicious I kind of wished I hadn't tried it, because now I will always want it, but I refuse to pay six dollars for hummus. I need to try to make it myself!

  3. That Hummus is AWESOME! They sell it at Tops Markets here, now :)

    1. It's the best packaged hummus I've had. It did not last very long around here!


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