Sunday, February 28, 2016

All Kinds of Stuff

Animal is back to wanting to play! I never thought I would be so happy to see someone play. Animal is is the front. Chunk lives for this string. I know it looks like a lot of random junk on my floor, but what can I say, they love playing with twist ties, and especially the ties that come on greens.
A little mini haul. I have been craving grapefruit juice like crazy lately. I decided to try some morning thunder tea. For all of my tea drinking, that's one kind I've never had. Always more potatoes!
I know I'm always saying one creamer is my favorite, until I try another. But flavor wise this caramel almond creamer is like a freaking vegan miracle. I cannot even stand how delicious it is. I mean, so far this is hands down the best tasting creamer vegan or not I've ever tasted. It's the Just Mayo of vegan creamers. It is very sweet, as caramel is but man who cares whether I like morning thunder or not,(I do) as long as I have this stuff to put in it. If you see it, and take cream in your coffee or tea, you have to try this. Or, take it to work and share it with your non vegan co workers and prepare to open minds!
I had to try these I love chocolate covered pretzels, and chocolate covered potato chips. These were definitely a splurge, but they were worth every penny! Really delicious chocolate, and the perfect amount of salt Everything was perfectly balanced. These are dangerous!
I had more potatoes for dinner! I need a potato intervention! I spiced these wedges with taco seasoning and some extra garlic powder. I made a little refried bean dip with some hot sauce, refried beans and a little daiya. I made the wedges nice and thick so they could really hold up to the thick dip.
I figured out how to download my pictures and all of that. Now it's just practice, practice practice! I was reading an article about how to make your food pictures look really nice, and it was funny because the article mentioned several times to not be afraid of taking pictures in public. That is definitely an area that I need a lot of practice with.
It's been an amazing weekend so far I can't describe how happy I am that Animal is feeling better. She was in such bad shape last week, and it happened so quickly that I just didn't know what was going on. Both yesterday and today she has had a voracious appetite, like she's making up for lost time. Every day she seems to be getting stronger too. I felt really hopeless, and things seemed bleak. So I'm glad things turned around Life is just such a roller coaster. Damn cliches.
Happy Sunday!


  1. That is so awesome about Animal. You have been through the wringer with Dylan. You need some time to recoup.

    1. It's really a miracle I mean, she was next to lifeless when I took her to the vet And when they couldn't even tell me what was wrong it just made it even scarier. I did not feel emotionally ready for more tragedy, so I'm really glad she listened to me when I told her she just had no choice but to get better!

  2. So glad Animal is recovering nicely. You've been through so much lately. Thanks for the creamer recommendation. I'm always looking for new vegan products to try and you are spot on when it comes to deliciousness. Can't wait to try the new Ben & Jerry's vegan ice cream :)

    1. It's really a miracle about Animal. I can't believe how fast everything has happened. I am so excited to try the Ben&Jerry's! I'm hoping it's such a hit that they make more flavors, like Phish Food!

  3. I'm so happy to hear that Animal is feeling so much better!! <3

  4. I am so glad to hear Animal is feeling better especially since no one gave you an answer. That can be the most scary!

    And I have to say that I love those bark thins too! Perfect blend of sweet and salty!

    1. It was the worst getting no answers And no one there seemed to understand my frustration.
      The bark thins are seriously amazing. How can they be so much better than regular chocolate covered pretzels?

  5. I almost picked up that BARK last week but didn' I wish I did :)

    1. If you see it again, GET IT!! It is really, really tasty!


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