Monday, February 29, 2016

Beauty, Food, Entertainment

I found these vegan and cruelty free face beautifiers at Fred Meyer the other day I've used these before, and they're pretty inexpensive, and you can get two uses out of one packet. The healthy glow polish is especially nice. They're like two bucks or something, so it's a nice little treat. All of this companies products are cruelty free, but some have honey so just read the ingredients. Honey must be good for the skin or something, because it is in a lot of the more natural skincare products.
I thought these were pink grapefruit, but they were yellow/white They still made great juice Actually two of the grapefruit were pretty dry, they would have been disappointing to eat, but were fine for juicing. Nosy Kanye, she did not appreciate the fresh citrus smell!
I just can't get enough mashed potatoes and gravy! I have really perfected the art of mashed potatoes, and also smashed potatoes. These were definitely mashed, and corn is what makes this a meal for me. I forget the name of the gravy, it isn't Hain, which is a good one It starts with an M, and I saw someone use it on YouTube and was excited to see it at Central Market. I'll make note of it the next time I get it. It's really good, and I think I like it better than Hain! It's so funny, when I look back on my meals, it almost seems like I'm still doing the potato cleanse.
Has anyone watched the new show Love on Netflix? I watched two episodes yesterday, and it is a really great show. I have liked some Judd Apatow movies, and others haven't really been my thing. Honestly, I would never have thought Judd Apatow had anything to do with this if I didn't know. The main characters are relatable, and most important to me likable. I need to like the people I'm watching. I know they say we need villains, and people we love to hate and all of that, but I don't always want to hate or dislike anyone. Sometimes I want to watch people who I like maybe do some unlikable things, but at the end of the day I'm still rooting for them. If you like sweet shows about the messier side of humanity and love and relationships and all that, give it a watch. Bonus for the show and the writers, one of the friends of one of the main characters had a vegetarian t-shirt on while they were having a meal and her meal looked as vibrant and delicious as everyone else's, and no one made any tired jokes! Woot!
Happy Leap Day!!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Haha, cute Kanye creeping up on your juice! :)

  3. Thanks for the face mask info! The mashed potatoes look amazing :)

    1. I hope you can find the masks around you! I think they're a great value.

  4. Those Facial Products...I will have to look them up! Thanks for introducing me to them!

    1. I think you should be able to find them at a Walgreens or Rite Aid, maybe even Wegmans! I hope you can find them!


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