Friday, February 26, 2016

Everything's Coming Up Tulips

Remember the tulips from the other day? Well, they've bloomed. In February. I am so sorry for anyone who is dealing with actual winter weather. I try not to focus too much on Seattle's AWESOME weather this winter, because it was only last year that I was experiencing the worst winter I have ever experienced in my life. But, when it's a gorgeous day, in February tulips are blooming, I have to acknowledge how amazing life is. I feel like the time I lived in PA happened to someone else. It's weird, like an out of body experience or something.
There are all kinds of tulips and daffodils just blooming away. It's an instant mood lifter. Yesterday I got to see flowers blooming in winter, and a gorgeous view of the Cascade mountains while I was taking the bus. I mean, the view is so beautiful, and it's free! I want to try to get a picture one of these days.
Speaking of AMAZING, Animal is doing so much better. She has been eating, and today she ate more than usual, and she wanted treats which she has been turning away. She is still moving gingerly, and is not in tip top shape, but everyday I see improvement, and it is the best news ever. I was so scared. Last Thursday when I took her, she was a shell of herself. I think we're all going to make it!
This has become her favorite place to sleep! She moves over a bit at night to make room for me. So far she's been into sleeping with me at night which I love!

My stool is used more for bird watching than anything else. As a matter of fact, they give me the side eye and get very uppity when I use it for myself. It's close to impossible to put food on the stool for a great natural light picture without a kitty in the shot!
It's been awhile since we've seen this dork. Chunk has a really sweet way about him, even though he's a big old doofy boy. He always found a way to cuddle with Dylan, and knew to be a little less rambunctious around him. He's the same with Animal. He's been very sweet towards her. Afro is behind him looking extremely stoned, and she doesn't even like catnip!
I made smashed potatoes, corn and gravy for dinner. I used little Yukon gold potatoes and I left the skin on. Delicious. And corn and mashed potatoes go together like peanut butter and chocolate as far as I'm concerned.
Happy Friday!


  1. Glad to hear you're having nice weather & the flowers are blooming for you! :) (It's currently below freezing where I am in PA, but then tomorrow it's supposed to get to nearly 60F, so we're definitely having some weird weather, haha!)
    Oh my goodness, Animal looks absolutely adorable in that picture! :D And your smashed potato bowl looks super delicious!

    1. I know, that's why I feel bad talking about our weather I was thinking when I saw the tulips how this time last year I didn't think it would ever get above zero degrees! I feel for you, and I soooo hope it really does get up to sixty, and stays above thirty degrees for the rest of winter!
      She is so gorgeous, and I'm so glad she's getting healthier! Those potatoes were delicious, I feel like I want more already!

  2. YUMMY bowl...gotta do more bowls, again! Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. I know, every time I eat a bowl, it's just so satisfying, and I always wonder why I don't do it more!


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