Friday, February 12, 2016

Potato Potato Potato

Day three of take two on potato island! I'm feeling great so far, and I feel much more prepared and calm about it this time. I don't think I will freak out this time around, but I've decided if I really really want something different, I will just have it, and get back on the wagon. I mean, the last time what I wanted was lentil soup, not even anything junkie, so I think I'll live. I know it might sound crazy, but I feel very strongly that doing this potato cleanse is very important to my journey. Much like that hill I keep making myself climb is less about the exercise and more about what I'm getting from making myself do it, this cleanse feels like something that I need to do. Like there's some lesson I'm going to learn from it.

I started my day yesterday with these lovely potato wedges dipped in this amazing sauce I made with sriracha, a tiny bit of Just Mayo(I know it's a no no on the cleanse, but I only used a smidge.) and some of this garlic  relish I found somewhere. It is amazing! It has big ole pieces or garlic, and spices like turmeric, and something kind of sweet. It's amazing, and those three ingredients made a sauce that could make anything taste good!
Have you ever tried these? I have weaned myself off of La Croix sparkling water, but I always look at this when I'm at Trader Joe's, and I finally had to try it. I kind of wish I had never tried it, because it's so delicious, it's going to be hard to not buy it on the regular! It tastes exactly like if you had a glass of plain sparkling water, and ate a grapefruit half, and squeezed the juice in your water. They also have raspberry and lime, which I'm sure is equally amazing!
I was walking to catch my bus yesterday in Ballard, and I decided to take a new route. The street I walked down was kind of creepy, and it reminded me of this street in Erie that I nicknamed mugger's row. I always felt like anything bad could and would happen on this street. Anyway, out of the blue I saw this modern looking building which I think is a garbage dump office, or something to do with dumps and garbage. It's a pretty nice and modern building, and if you could see the rest of the street you would really know how out of place it looks. It had some cool refurbished art work inside. I should have gotten closer, but people had desks and offices inside, and also muggers. So I quickly snapped and walked. I know it probably sounds silly to most people, but I am a little behind the times, but I feel super weird and awkward taking pictures in public! I hate having my picture taken with a PASSION, so no selfies for this girl!
I didn't really have lunch, just a carrot ginger juice while I made the most amazing creamy, cheese-y potato broccoli soup! I used my new hand held blender, and I love it sooo much!
I used some of the crispy broccoli from Trader Joe's as kind of like a crouton, because I do like soup with bread, or at least crackers. This soup was so delicious, if I do say so myself. I once tried to make a potato broccoli soup a few years ago, and let's just say I've learned some thangs along the way!
                                                      Potato Broccoli Soup
  • 2 C diced, peeled potatoes (I used russets)
  • 1 Medium onion, diced
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 small leek, sliced
  • 1/2 tsp. Smoked Paprika
  • 1/2 Tsp. Turmeric
  • 1/2 Tsp. Cumin
  • 1/2 Tsp.Poultry Seasoning
  • 1/2 Tsp. Garlic Powder
  • 1 veggie stock cube
  • 1/2 cup nutritional yeast
  • 2 C Broccoli cut into bite size pieces, stems included!
  • 5 cups of water
  • S & P to taste
Add everything to your favorite soup pot, and bring to a boil, turn heat down to med. low and simmer about twenty minutes, or until your potatoes are soft. Turn heat off, allow to cool for a few, and then blend. You can make it totally smooth and creamy, which is what I did, or you can blend half, and have creamy/chunky soup. This would be amazing with crusty bread, like a total knockout! But it's so delicious, I loved it without too. It's creamy and cheesy, and seems like it must have some cashew cream,or melted daiya or something. I'm so glad I wrote this recipe down, because I want to make it again, and I won't change a thing! Although, maybe some crushed red pepper would be nice!
Happy Friday!


  1. You will learn to take pictures in public the more you do it. Just gotta think ahead a little what to take the picture of, dont spend a long time focusing.

    1. I've been looking into inexpensive cameras, and I hope to keep practicing. There are lots of cool things in Seattle to take pictures of and share.

  2. Oooh that garlic sauce sounds delicious! The fries look nice and crispy, I definitely need to get into more potatoes. I'm glad you are feeling better this time around! I have found that whenever I have a hard time with a cleanse it is because I wasn't prepared and I always do better the second time around.

    Ahhh the shady alleyways... you are making me miss Seattle ;) I lived in the university district when I was in grad school.

    1. This garlic relish stuff is so amazing! It really makes a delicious sauce. I definitely feel like i wasn't prepared mentally the last time around. I kind of impulsively made the decision, and this time around I put a lot more thought into it. I am really feeling amazing, and I don't want to speak too soon, but I just might try for more than ten days!
      I will think of you when I make it to the U district. There is a Trader Joe's that's next to a Half Price bookstore, and I've been meaning to get there.

    2. Yes I frequented that trader Joe's! I went to a gym that was right next to it and would get groceries on the way home :) have you ever been to the vegan store there?!

    3. Yes, when I first moved back here. I plan on hitting all three places when I venture to the U district. I read online that Vegan Haven has the vegan egg from Follow Your Heart! It's the only store in Seattle that carries it.

  3. I have no shame with taking photos in public, but i usually don't because I rather enjoy other things. I think it is partly because I went to art school and there was a lot of "weird stuff" being done in public, drawing, painting, dancing, singing, filming, etc. It helps also having a nice camera, I think iPhones can be sneaky but can come off like I might be messaging my friends something mean.. you know what I mean? I don't want people to think that I am making fun of them. But if I have a nice SLR, it comes off a little more like I am trying to capture a nice moment.

    1. I'm the worst with my phone anyway, I forget it half of the time, and i just feel too awkward. I hope to get over some of my social anxiety with the use of a camera.

  4. The soup and other eats sound great! YUM! I enjoy reading about this Potato Island Adventure!!!!


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