Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Beating My Last Score

Has anyone heard of the new book by Jasmin Singer? She's the executive director of Our Hen House. I was listening to a podcast last week and she was the guest, and she was talking about her new book called Always Too Much and Never Enough. She is really an amazing person, and this book sounds like a must read for anyone, vegan or not. She was so eloquent and well spoken on this podcast, and I really want to read this book. Here is some more info if you're interested. I saw that it is on Amazon for a decent price, so this might be my next purchase. I feel like this is a good book to own, it's one that I would most likely read over and over.
Speaking of Amazon, I found a used camera there and ordered it! I researched the F out of the best cameras under one hundred dollars, and then read reviews of those, I thought I was going to go blind! Anyway, I narrowed the list down to one that seemed the best match for me, and sure enough I found it used on Amazon for a fraction of the retail cost! Woot woot! I can't remember what it is, I think it is a Cannon something or other. One reviewer noted that they had gotten it for their seven year old, who "really enjoyed it". My assumption is that if a seven year old can figure it out, I should be able to grasp it. Although I don't know, I can be a slow learner when it comes to math and technology. But at any rate I am beyond stoked to have better quality pictures.
Today is day seven of potato island, and I feel great. Last time I tried this, day seven was what broke me. I don't think that will happen today. I feel physically and mentally very strong. I'm not sick of potatoes yet either, and I don't feel restricted yet.
Last night I made mashed potatoes and gravy, this time with no mushrooms. It was a cool, rainy day yesterday and this meal fit the weather and my mood perfectly. I used the same mushroom gravy recipe, just no shrooms.
For breakfast this morning, I had some potato lettuce wraps. So good, and I enjoy the crunch of the lettuce.
I need to get some rubbing alcohol to get the last of the price sticker off of my stool!
Happy Tuesday!


  1. I know I should probably start from the bottom and work up but I've never been one for rules..lol...

    Catching up on your posts :) Sorry it's been so long! Potatoes sound lovely!

    1. Yay!! You're back, I'm so happy! I was a bit concerned. I'm not one for rules either!

  2. Cant wait to see how the new camera works out.

    1. I know! I'm so excited, I have never in my life used a digital camera, so this is a very new and kind of scary, but I really like taking pictures, and I can;t wait to have better quality pictures!

  3. You have officially lasted six days longer than i ever would ;)
    How exciting to get a new camera!!

    1. Ha! I thought maybe I was going to go for thirty days, but I think I might just stick with my original goal of ten days. I'm feeling like too much of anything is a bad thing.

  4. Replies
    1. I know! I was looking at a package of tofu the other day, and I was really wanting to buy and eat that tofu! I'
      m still not sick of potatoes, it's just that I miss other foods.

  5. Hooray, congrats on the new camera! Looking forward to seeing your pics with it! Congrats on surpassing your first try at the potato cleanse! I'm glad you are having a better experience this time around!

    1. I am doing so much better, but while I was considering going for thirty day, I'm starting to think that ten days was my goal, and maybe that can be good enough. I accomplished a goal, and that was my intention in the first place.

  6. Yay, that's so exciting that you ordered yourself a camera! :D The mashed potatoes and gravy look perfectly delicious!

    1. I have definitely mastered the art of mashed potatoes on this cleanse!


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