Saturday, February 13, 2016

Getting Exotic With Potatoes

I forgot to show this platter on my thrift store haul. It's wood, and I thought it would look nice as a background for different dishes. I realized I should have filled out the platter more, but I was sooooo hungry! This was my huge breakfast yesterday. I've been loving curry powder and garlic powder on my fries.
I'm feeling really great this time around. I am only on the third day, but I don't know, I just feel much better about everything this time. I'm having fun experimenting with different spices, and also fresh herbs to keep things interesting. I like bright strong flavors, so tossing the hot fries with chopped basil, cilantro and scallion gives them a bright flavor that makes my mouth very happy.
When I was in Ballard the other day, I got stopped by someone trying to sell gym memberships at some new place that promises to be the next best thing. I explained to him that I work out at home, and that gyms are like my idea of hell, but he decided to waste his time by trying to convince me anyway. He showed me pictures of what the new facility was going to look like, and I swear to gourd there were contraptions that you hang upside down and do stuff. Yikes. Every word that came out of his mouth terrified me more and more. I'm terrible at being firm and saying no, and getting people to shut up.  At some point I mentioned that I have a vegan food blog, and he said he used to have a paleo blog. I kind of politely laughed and said that paleo is kind of the opposite of how I eat, and hoped it was done. No, he had to continue and say that he's trying to buy grass fed and all of that stuff, and it just made me feel awkward. I don't want to be a confrontational person, and to be honest with all of the apathy out there I recognize that grass fed is at least trying to be better, but damn it man, no living being wants to die to be eaten. As a vegan, I want to spread the message, and I so desperately want to shake the hell out of every person until they understand, but I know I can't do that. And I don't think attacking people is an effective way to encourage change, but it's just so frustrating. Sometimes I regret telling people I'm vegan, because it can make people feel like they have to defend their choices, and I just don't feel genuine. I don't want to confront, but just kind of smiling it off feels wrong as well. I mean, the way I feel is grass fed is better than nothing, but it still isn't good enough. How do you handle the strange things meat eaters say to make themselves feel better?
Okay, rant over, feel better, now back to our regular old spudly programming!
For lunch I didn't take a picture, but I had some leftover broccoli potato soup, and some green juice.
For dinner, I tried to get as exotic as I could with potatoes.
I seasoned these with some red curry powder, and salt and pepper, and when they just came out of the oven, I tossed them with some scallions, cilantro and basil. I wrapped then in Romaine leaves and dipped in sweet chili sauce and sriracha. This was a great meal, and one i will definitely eat even when I'm off the island!
I never in my life knew potato flour existed. Funny the things you learn when you eat only potatoes! When I first heard about it, I thought it would be very hard to find, but lucky me I found a store that has it, so expect some exciting things to come! I will be picking some up in the next couple of days, I can't wait!
Happy Caturday!


  1. I love the platter!! We are seriously lacking good thrift stores in my area so all of these finds make me jealous. The potato fries look so yummy and I've heard of wrapping them in lettuce! Sounds yummy! I bought lots of carby deliciousness at trader Joe's today :)

    That's really annoying about the dude from the gym. I can't stand pushy salespeople, it's so rude. I don't know why they think it'll work.

    1. I feel your pain!When I lived in Erie, the few thrift stores left lots to be desired. I used to dream and dream of the thrift stores in Seattle, so it's really great to be back. I can't wait to hear how you like the starchier, carbier way of life!
      I know, they have these guys standing on the sidewalk, and I just feel like I should be able to walk down the street without having to defend my decision to work out at home. The worst part is I gave him my E mail so he can send me updates or whatever. I am really the worst!

  2. I am SO with you- i just can't deal with omnis who are like "oh it's a happy grass fed pet fed by monks frolicking in the sunshine cow so it's totally fine he died so i could have dinner". Ummmm. No......... Really makes my skin crawl!!


    1. Me too! I was just thinking the other day that I respect meat eaters who don't like animals more than the ones that claim to love animals, or brag about all the "humane" meat they eat. And i feel like sometimes they are looking at us for approval.

  3. I think sometimes people assume that veganism is just a diet to loose weight. So I think sometimes people do that paleo-vegan connection. My in-laws are paleo, but they have the habit to tell my husband and I about all the grass-fed whatever meats they buy. It kind-of use to be a concern with my husband, but now that he is full vegan they still keep going. I can't think of a polite way of saying "yeah I love you but I don't give a fuck" XD

    1. That's what I'm saying! On one hand I do appreciate at least trying to make a better choice, but I don't like feeling expected to give a pat on the back.

  4. I'm a dip and sauce person and think that as long as you have dippables the world will go-round LOL :) I think these could be awesome with dippables :)

    1. Dipping sauces have been what has been saving my life on this cleanse!


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