Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Traveling Down Sushi Lane

This is the exact paper dispenser in the exact spot that had the PETA flyer that turned on the light bulb for me to make the switch from vegetarian to vegan. The one on the bottom, in the middle. I kept that pamphlet for such a long time, it did end up getting lost along the way. It's funny how sometimes you read or hear the right thing, in the right way at the right time, and it changes your life forever.  It's located in my favorite neighborhood in Seattle, little old Ballard.
I also found this set up in a residential neighborhood and cracked up. It's this weird circle kind of in the middle of a street that's blocked off from cars. I'm assuming it's maybe to cut down on speeding, but someone set this whole living room up.
All the table needs is a beer and some chips or something like that. So funny. Never change Ballard!
As you can see yesterday was a sunny day, and man did it feel amazing!
I stopped in to the Ballard branch of the library to see if they had a bigger selection of vegan cookbooks. The answer is not really, but I still found the above book, which I've never seen anywhere! And I love Nick Hornby! The vegan substitutions guide is broken into four sections, section one is dairy substitutions, section two is egg substitutions, section three is protein substitutions, and section four is a new and improved chart for substitutions. It's written by Joni Marie Newman and Celine Steen, who wrote 500 Vegan Recipes, which is the first vegan cookbook I ever owned. There are some delicious looking recipes, I'm sure I will be talking about this book more!
For dinner I made red pepper and baked tofu sushi rolls! They aren't perfect rolls, but they turned out a million times better than my last attempt! I think I was more patient, and also more determined to do it! On a side note, I have noticed that since I've been meditating, certain things that require confidence and patience are becoming a little easier. It might sound crazy, but I swear I've become a better cook.
I need to work on my plating skills! But I was so hungry by the time I rolled and sliced I just wanted to get them on a plate, take the picture and eat already! The last time I attempted sushi rolls, they fell apart as soon as I started slicing them. They were a mess. These sliced beautifully. I walked by like twenty sushi places yesterday, (people in Ballard must really LOVE sushi) and it just sounded soooo good! I decided to not let my past failure define me, or something like that, and I succeeded!
Believe it or not, I'm still eating potatoes in the morning. I've been having a baked potato with lentil soup served over it. I have some potatoes leftover, and I can't let them go to waste. I'm not sick of them yet, I just needed more variety!
Happy Wednesday!


  1. oooh that sushi looks yummy. That living room setup is hilarious. WHen I was in college I lived in a townhouse on campus (they were VERY hard to get but we got one) and one day it was so beautiful out my housemates and I dragged all of our living room furniture outside and were studying out there. We got in trouble but it was hilarious and worth it :)

    1. It was delicious. I swear it tasted better because i rolled it!
      That sounds like fun! Was it in the spring? I always get the urge to do everything outside in the spring!

  2. Looks like legit Sushi to me. Here is a guy after your own heart:

    1. I was reading about that guy the other day. Man, more power to him, one whole year! I saw one picture where he made noodles out of potatoes!

  3. Sushi is totally something that gets better with time. I'm not saying I make perfect sushi, but now I wonder why I had such a frigging hard time! Or how I got lop sided uneven rolls. But I couldn't just tell someone how to fix that problem. Funny how sometimes we learn things without even knowing it. I found my sushi rolling skills kind of overlap into summer roll making, and burrito rolling.

    1. I sometimes make killer summer rolls, and other times I struggle with them. Same with burritos.Once I'm done with this cleanse, I will give summer rolls another try, since I did okay with this sushi.

  4. vegan sushi! YUM! Nice book finds, too!


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