Saturday, February 27, 2016


This is the perfect picture to explain what I was talking about yesterday. Chunk just can't not come and be nosy, and look to the right, you'll see a claw trying to climb on up. I have several more pictures where you can't even see the juice because Chunk and Joan are circling it like sharks! This was some beet pineapple juice I made yesterday. If beets aren't your fave, pineapple, lemon and lime are the best fruits to use when juicing. They really cut down on the earthy, or let's be honest dirty taste of beets. I cannot bring myself to eat them, so I try to juice them every so often They're soooo good for you. The juice is so beautiful too.
I have so many cat pictures it should be embarrassing, but what better subjects for learning how to use my new camera? There's just always someone doing something annoying or adorable, usually both.
Here is a non cat picture This was a white sweet potato(Jersey sweet potato?) sliced lengthwise and sprinkled with a little brown sugar and pumpkin pie spice With some maple agave syrup drizzled on top. I really enjoy this, and I looooooooooove the way my apartment smells. It smells like I'm making cinnamon rolls or something. It's how you want your house to smell when you come home on a cold day.I still have a way to go on my photography skills. Centering anyone?
Can you stand the cuteness? It's almost too much!

I won't bore you with every cat picture I have. I might be a cat lady, but I'm no crazy one!
I discovered this music review channel on YouTube last week, and upon further research learned the guy is a vegan! Woot woot! He doesn't really talk about it as he's reviewing music, but he has a podcast, and he did an interview with Dr. Michael Gregor who is a plant based, best selling author doctor! The YouTube channel is the needle drop, and here is the podcast. If you like music I think he gives very thoughtful and considerate reviews. He knows a lot more about music than I do, but he doesn't give reviews that are hard to understand. And I love to accidentally stumble across other vegans.
Happy Caturday!


  1. Excellent pics! The Sweet Potato looks really tasty.

    1. Thanks! It is so tasty, I can't believe I haven't always eaten sweet potatoes like this!

  2. Oh! The color in that juice...AWESOME!


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