Monday, February 15, 2016

Spud Haul

Well, I have what is probably pictures from the world's most boring grocery haul! When you are only buying potatoes, vegetables, and cat food it saves so much time! So many aisles with no reason for me to walk down.
Gluten is a no no for me right now, so I'm thinking of trying to make a batter out of the potato flour to make my favorite General Tso's cauliflower. I'm also going to attempt to make gnocchi with the potato flour. I eat red sauce like once a year. Maybe a little bit more, but not that often. Now that I'm eating mainly potatoes, I have a mad craving for marinara sauce! Gnocchi seems like something i should be able to make. Years ago, when I was vegetarian, I attempted to make gnocchi and it was the biggest fail of all times. Like one for the books. It always seems so easy to make, and I just scared myself from trying again. I've definitely improved in the kitchen since then, so I think I might pull it off this time. I feel like my cooking skills have improved a million times over since I became vegan.
I watched a ton of potato cleanse videos on YouTube yesterday, and it seems that sun dried tomatoes are a popular ingredient to make a potato nacho cheese sauce.  It's similar to BuzzFeed Video's vegan mac and cheese sauce, but minus the cashews and plus a few nacho type flavors. I hope sun dried tomato pate works! Sauces seem to be what's making this super easy for me. Sauces and seasonings. So, I see potato nacho cheese in my very near future.
This potato cleanse has really become kind of a "thing". Usually when anything becomes a "thing" I lose interest, but for this I'm resisting the urge to run. I find it sweet and inspiring, and I think it's helping a lot of people on a deeper level than just losing weight. I kind of like feeling like I'm part of something, especially something positive.
I've been looking into starter cameras, and I found some that are in my budget, especially if I buy used or refurbished. I'm going to do a bunch of research today, and hopefully make a purchase tomorrow, or Wednesday. This is going to be a whole new world for me. I had a camera when I was a kid, and obviously it wasn't a digital camera, so yeah. I'm excited to be able to take better pictures, especially when I'm out and about. This might sound weird, but I feel less awkward taking pictures in public with a camera than my phone. Plus, my phone drives me insane, and we have a combustible relationship at best. So, all around good news for the start of the week.
How is your week looking?


  1. Haha my haul is fairly similar but not all potatoes. It's so cheap too!! I'm so curious to see how the general tso's cauliflower comes out with the potato flour. That sounds so good!

    The potato cleanse definitely is becoming a thing. I can't commit to that but I am definitely going more starch based, low fat and I am doing very uncomplicated meals. I just need to give my body a break and feed it nourishing, easy to digest foods.

    Oh how exciting, good luck with the camera purchase!

    1. That's one thing I really love about the starch solution is how inexpensive it is. One major thing I've noticed with the potato cleanse is that my digestion has really improved, and I didn't think I had any digestion issues. That's a benefit of simple foods I think.

  2. I get so excited when people buy cameras, I love taking photos so I guess I get excited that other people might get to experience that same joy? I hope you like it.

    I am not a big potato fan, but I am a born again nacho tot fan! My husband and I saw a recipe for it, and were like "Is this like an American staple?! I've never heard of it" and made it. Now it is like our go to visitor staple.

    1. I am so excited to get my first camera. I guess my first digital camera. I have learned through this blog that I really enjoy taking pictures, so it is going to be awesome to have them look as good as I imagine them looking.
      I have heard of nacho tots, and I've wanted to try them, but I still haven't. Maybe that can be a transition meal off of this cleanse. Every once in awhile America gets it right!

  3. Cameras! YAY! And Potatoes? Double YAY! Can't wait to see near future posts with both!

    1. I should be getting my camera this week sometime, and depending on how long it takes me to learn how to use it, I should have nice pictures anytime between now and six months from now. Ha.

  4. Those potato nachos sound fabulous! Gnocchi would be amazing but sounds like they could be tricky. Are you allowed to have salads?? I go crazy without greens.
    Did you ever try the pioneer woman hot crash potatoes? They're crazy good and very simple, just need to use little potatoes like red ones or little white potatoes. Sometimes i get fancy and top them with smoked paprika or an herb blend

    1. Yes, non starchy vegetables are allowed. I wouldn't have even considered doing this cleanse if greens weren't allowed. I would also go crazy without greens, and I don't think it's healthy to restrict greens.
      I just looked at that recipe and it looks amazing, I know what I will be making as soon as I find some small potatoes. Thanks for suggesting that.


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