Monday, February 8, 2016

Vegan, Vegan, Vegan!

I finally found a use for the last few potatoes I had from my shortened potato cleanse. I made Buzzfeed's mac and cheese sauce, but added some cumin, smoked paprika, nutritional yeast, garlic powder and the last little bit of some salsa . Also some generous drops of hot sauce.
It was smooth, velvety, spicy and creamy. It's so amazing how cheese-like this sauce is.
I cooked up some white beans and some macaroni pasta and made spicy mac and cheese.
Topped with some green onions and extra hot sauce, it tasted much richer than it was. If you haven't tried this recipe yet, you really should. I would suggest adding nutritional yeast to the original recipe though. I have seen some strict low fat vegans make the recipe without cashews, which looks like it's still pretty creamy. I like the addition of cashews, and for how much sauce this makes 1/2 cup of cashews is not a lot.
I meant to mention this last week, but I forgot because I was way more excited about Ben&Jerry's making not one, but four flavors of vegan ice cream. Remember last year when Hellmann's was trying to sue Just Mayo and try to make them change their name? It was so ridiculous, and I'm so glad that the public outcry was so huge! Anyway, I guess in honor of "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em"
Hellman's is now launching their very own vegan mayo! I personally won't buy the product for a couple of reasons, one being I love Just Mayo, and two being I don't like Unilever which is the evil parent of Hellman's.But I still think this is amazing news because people are creatures of habit, and there are people who are very close minded, and scared of anything new, or gourd forbid vegan. But Hellmann's is a good corn fed brand that has been in peoples lives clogging their arteries for generations. So, that familiar brand could be less scary. And like I said yesterday, if someone is scared of vegan food, but tastes something that is pleasing, it might make them more willing to try other vegan foods. Plus, we have to start somewhere. Let's wipe out all non vegan mayo. Just Mayo has proven we don't need eggs to make the stuff. So, I think this is good news for chickens, and I am very happy that there is enough of a demand that they are getting in on the game. Remember when you were lucky to find a store that carried veganaise? What do you think of Hellmann's stepping into the vegan mayo game?
Happy Monday!


  1. Unilever actually own Ben and Jerrys too and the most widely available vegan ice cream in the UK- Swedish Glacé. I saw today on a Facebook page an email someone had got from Ben and Jerrys saying they are not going to sell the new almond milk icecreams in the UK. I had no idea that they were owned by Unilever too til someone commented on the FB post.

    1. Man, well I guess I won't support Unilever through Hellmann's, but I will have to at least try the new Ben&Jerry's! It's so hard to avoid some of these corporations. I think they do it on purpose. If the Ben&Jerry's and vegan mayo are successful, hopefully it will help Unilever see that you can earn money and be kind.
      That blows that Ben&Jerr's isn't going to be available in the UK! I wonder why, are the non vegan flavors available? Maybe they will get a lot of public outcry and will change their mind in the future. Fingers crossed!

  2. Oooh that cheese sauce looks amazing! I'm craving Mac n cheese now :)

    1. It's so thick and creamy, you'd never guess it's made mostly from veg! I love mac and cheese too!

  3. It is pretty exciting because I know so many people are slowly moving towards non-traditional mayos, like the canola oil mayos and the like. So I wonder how many people will accidentally just buy the vegan mayo?

    1. That;s what I'm hoping for. They'll see the traditional Hellmanns name and feel safe. And if they like it, they might keep buying it!

  4. I remember that BuzzFeed Recipe and had to add some stuff to it too!

    1. Yea, it's a good starter recipe for sure, it definitely needs nutritional yeast at the very least!


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