Sunday, February 21, 2016

Coffee and Buns

Have you tried this stuff? I don't drink coffee on the reg anymore, but I do drink it every once in awhile when green tea is just too gentle. I figured this is cheaper than getting coffee at a shop. This jug has many servings, but is about the cost of one latte. This stuff is AMAHZING! (Did anyone watch Happy Endings?) It barely tastes like coffee, it tastes like rich, delicious chocolate almond milk with the faintest hint of coffee. It's been a big help these last few days when I've been a little sleep deprived. This is the second beverage I've had from Califia Farms, the first was unsweetened almond milk. Both are stellar. I wish they wouldn't use so much plastic though.
The Animal saga continues. I mentioned some of my issues I was having yesterday to the newest vet, and although she listened to me, I still feel that I wasn't truly heard. She said she thought it could be pancreas issues. So, now it could be fatty liver, diabetes, or her pancreas. They gave her more food and fluids yesterday, as well as some antibiotics because it also could be an infection. She was more like herself when I picked her up, but she still won't eat. Even with the appetite stimulant. They want me to bring her in AGAIN on Monday to test her blood. I have never experienced a young animal friend getting sick like this. I don't know if these people are doing the right thing or not. But how can there be so many different diagnosis? It's very upsetting, and I feel so bad for Animal. I'm going to go try to find something that she will eat today.
Needless to say, yesterday I wasn't really into doing a lot of cooking. It was the first day off the potato cleanse, and I had originally planned on making something out of this world. But that's okay, sometimes life has other plans. Instead, I cooked some veggie dumplings I had picked up on my trip to Uwajimaya. Quick, easy, and delicious. I guess it's not the best to follow a cleanse with a processed meal, but what can you do?
These had shredded tofu, cabbage, carrots, and mushrooms. I've never had buns like this before, so I can't compare them to anything, but served up with a little soy sauce and sriracha, it was a tasty meal. And not a potato in sight!


  1. YES!!!!! Saw it on sale and bought a bottle to try and loved it; yes, very "hefty" plastic bottle I thought & yes to loving Happy Endings! None of the characters had any filter & just said the funniest stuff. So bummed when it cancelled :(. Sorry to hear about Animal. Hope you get answers without going bankrupt. So frustrating.

    1. I was so bummed when Happy Endings got cancelled. I checked out the series on DVD from the library, and that crew has been helping me through the last few rough days.
      She (Animal) ate a little bit of food this morning, so that is a super good sign!!

  2. I have been eye-balling this stuff! I just haven't been able to spend the money as of late! Hopefully SOON tho!

    1. It is soooooo amazingly delicious! I was actually shocked. I didn't expect it to be that good!

  3. I am a big Califia lover, but I don't get it often because of the price. But I guess it isn't too expensive when you take in account how much a latte is.

    1. That's what I figured. I choose other plant milks because they're cheaper, and I almost didn't get this until I realized that I would be drinking at least two lattes if not more over those days, and this was much cheaper. And seriously a million times tastier!


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