Wednesday, February 10, 2016

I'm Such a Spud

As you can see, I'm going to revisit potato island! It has been driving me insane that I gave up and didn't complete my goal. The new me is really trying to finish what I start, and challenge myself and all that. So, now that we know my travel plans, on with my haul!
Lots of peppers, baby potatoes, and Gnocchi that is actually vegan! Woot!
The Broccoli are to die for. Like kale chips, but broccoli!
I never eat pancakes or waffles, so I never have maple syrup in my pantry. I almost passed out when I saw the price. This maple agave blend was a hundred million times cheaper than maple, so I figured I'd give it a try. I have some Murasaki sweet potatoes roasting in the oven, and I'm going to try this syrup with them. I will report back! I sliced the potatoes in circles, and sprinkled some pumpkin pie spice and a tiny bit of brown sugar on top. My apartment smells like I'm making cookies or candy!
I think Murasaki sweet potatoes are the same as Japanese sweet potatoes. They have a purple skin, but are white inside.
I'm back after a short little breakfast break! Yum, I am no maple syrup expert, I've eaten it few times in my life, but this syrup is pretty dang tasty! If you are a maple syrup purist, I doubt you would like this. It's thinner, I guess like Grade A? But it has a nice maple flavor. It tastes like if you had 3/4 of a bottle of maple syrup, and decided to fill the bottle up with agave. Mostly maple flavor, but you can taste the agave. This breakfast reminded me of a cinnamon roll. I have never eaten a sweet potato like this before, and man was I missing out!
Day one, take two of the potato cleanse!


  1. Yay!! I hope that you enjoy this trip to potato island!! I'm planning on trying the sweet potato for breakfast too but I think I'm going to shred mine like hash browns and top with cinnamon and maple syrup. Yum! I've been so curious about those broccoli crisps, I have to try them!

    Good luck!!

    1. Thanks so much! Shredded sweet potatoes sound great! Kind of like a sweet brown maybe? I am dreaming up all kinds of things to do with them now that I tried this!
      The broccoli crisps are really good! They are for the most part whole florets, and they're nice and crispy, and salty without being too salty.

  2. The Maple Syrup prices are even double that down here. Havent been able to spring for any yet.

    1. If they're double, I would definitely never own any. It is completely insane, I don't know how anyone affords it on a regular basis. I'll spring for things that are important to me, but maple syrup just isn't. The agave maple blend would drive maple syrup purist insane, but for me it's just fine.

  3. Good luck with round two! I am not a potato fan so I find this cleanse crazy, but I am know I am in the minority here XD

    1. I am now on day six, and I feel so much better about it than last time. I know it seems crazy, even to my own ears, but I just can't shake the feeling that I need to do this!

  4. YAY for Vegan Gnocchi! Every once and a while I can find some :)

    1. I know, even in Seattle vegan Gnocchi is hard to find.


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