Thursday, February 11, 2016

Popping Tags and Making Browns

I went thrifting Tuesday hoping to find  a George Foreman grill, and maybe some things to accent my food pictures. I know what I need is really a good camera, but my budget right now is more thrift, less Cannon. So for now, I'll do what I can.
I got this stool for five bucks! I got it for a few reasons. One is I can't always reach things that get shoved in the back of my cupboards. My kitchen was made for someone taller. Another reason is it's a nice platform for pictures. And the third reason is when it's not being used by me, it can be in front of the window for prime bird watching!

The bowl, glass, and little jars in the top picture came to like four dollars for all of them! I feel super classy drinking my green juice out of that glass. The second picture is a big green corduroy bag/purse that looks like it's never carried anything was seven dollars. I prefer a bag to a purse. I love a messenger bag!
The bottom picture is what I'm most excited about. I found an Immersion blender for five bucks! Woot to the Woot! I am going to make soooooooooo many soups! I have wanted one of these for so long, but it wasn't something I was willing to buy new since I already have a blender. It's definitely what I would consider a luxury, and I was almost doing cartwheels when I saw it. Again, it looks like it's never been used. I also got this George Foreman grill for five bucks! High Carb Hannah has been making hash browns on a George Foreman grill and they look so delicious, and also so easy. I tried to make low oil hash browns in a pan and they weren't my favorite. The thrift shop I was at also had a dehydrator, many nice blenders, and even a brand new hand mixer.
So yesterday was a great potato day. I had sweet potatoes for breakfast which were so delicious, and I had a huge green salad along with a green juice for lunch.
I added basil to both my salad and my juice, and it really was a nice addition. I think I'm going to add a lot of herbs to my salads while I'm doing this potato cleanse. I think the fresh, vibrant flavors really help with the boredom. And it added a nice fresh taste to my juice which was collard greens, Romaine, spinach, basil, cucumber and apple.
For dinner I put my well scrubbed grill to use and made some hash browns. I added some sauteed orange pepper leftover from lunch, and onion and added it to two grated russet potatoes. The grill is freaking fracking awesome! The potatoes totally got browned and crispy like what they look like at restaurants where they are bathed in butter to achieve that look. And clean up is a dream! Not a thing stuck and it takes no oil or water or anything. Man, where have I been. When I'm done with this cleanse, I am going to make so many sandwiches and grilled tofu, and Portobello mushrooms, and so many things!
My ketchup bottle totally went insane and pretty much exploded! I was going for a more artistic swirl, and what I got was more SPLAT! But you can still see the brown and crisp exterior! I let them cook for around ten or fifteen minutes and it was perfect. I see a lot more hash browns in my future!
Whew, this post went on a bit! But one more thing, I just read on either Twitter or Instagram this morning that Ben&Jerry's new vegan ice cream will be rolling out  to stores in three to four weeks! At least in the U.S, I hope they spread the vegan love all over at some point! So, all around it's been an invigorating week.
Happy Thursday!


  1. That is a great deal on the immersion blender. It is one of the few kitchens items I mailed down here from Virginia (havent used it yet). Gave my George Foreman to Goodwill (had I known). Yard sales in the spring should offer plenty of kitchen appliances.

    1. I made a bit of a mess the first time I used the immersion blender. So you don't want to move it up when it's running! Ha! But now that I know what I'm doing, I love it so much. I can't wait for yard sales. I never stopped at any in Erie because I really didn't want to talk to anybody there!

  2. I'm so jealous of your thrift store finds!! What great deals, especially for that immersion blender! Please share how you like the George foreman hash browns, I've been curious about them as well.

    Can't wait for that ice cream! I just read that they are coming out with three flavors of that cashew milk ice cream everyone is freaking out about. I don't think ill be able to pass up the chocolate cookies n cream if I see it ;)

    1. The George Foreman grill totally rocks for hash browns! No oil, brown and crispy, and absolutely no sticking to the grill. Best five bucks I have ever spent in my life!!
      I love the So Delicious cashew milk ice cream! Cashew milk is perfect for ice cream! Chocolate cookies and cram sounds amazing, I've always wondered why it's always vanilla ice cream. I won't be able to pass it up either!

  3. Wow, awesome thrift store finds! The hash browns look absolutely delicious! :D

    1. Thanks! They really were. I can't believe how well the George Foreman grill works! All those infomercials I used to ignore! Ha Ha

  4. Awesome thrift store finds!! I totally can't live without my immersion blender- i use it for everything from soups to cashew cream and salad dressings. I mever have owned a george foreman grill - but then again i never found one for $5! The hash browns sound genius. And I totally do ketchup splatter on a regular basis....

    1. I never even considered owning a George Foreman grill before. I vaguely remember the infomercials, and they were very meat filled. I'm going to try slicing potatoes and putting them on the grill, and when I'm off the cleanse I am going to really experiment! It really is one of the best things I've gotten for five bucks, besides the immersion blender! I love it so much, I can't believe how great it works.


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