Friday, February 19, 2016

Good And Bad

Man do I love Seattle! I was going to catch a bus the other day and saw all of these tulips! In February! It was like the most beautiful thing ever. Not a single day goes by in Seattle that I don't notice and appreciate how much better I feel in Seattle. Things that used to really drive me crazy about Seattle before just seem so trivial. Because Tulips in February!
Now onto a little sadder news. The reason I was absent the last two days is because one of my kitties, Animal has gotten sick. She all of a sudden stopped eating three days ago, and soon after stopped drinking water and became super lethargic. It seriously all happened scarily fast. She was throwing up a little on the first day, and I chalked it up to a hairball horfing situation, which I dealt with often with Dylan. But when she she stopped drinking, I got worried. I took her to the vet yesterday, and he thinks she has fatty liver disease. He also thinks there is a chance she might be diabetic. She had to stay at the vet's yesterday and they took blood work, and gave her medicine, and fluids and food and such. They couldn't keep her overnight because they don't have overnight staff, so I have to bring her back today and they are going to do more tests and more fluids and such. The vet said the important thing is to get them eating again, which she is not doing yet. He said in extreme cases they have to insert a feeding tube, and be fed that way. She is still very lethargic, and I tried to give her some food this morning, but she turned away. She has herself wedged under the couch. I feel so bad seeing her this way. She is named after the character on the Muppets because from the time she was born she has just been crazy, and full of life. Please send Animal love and send strength her way. It's scary not seeing her much better today, and I just wish I could make her better. I hate having to have her sit in a cage all day with a catheter and strangers poking and prodding. It's the worst to be scared and uncomfortable and alone when you're sick.
I started responding to comments yesterday, but after awhile I had to stop because I was crying, and having a hard time concentrating. I will respond, maybe tomorrow when hopefully things are getting back to normal.
I also wanted to mention real quick that today is day ten of the potato cleanse, and although I thought I might go longer than ten days, I don't think that is realistic. Back when I smoked cigarettes I always said I would smoke with abandon until smoking wasn't enjoyable, and that's what I did. I had the same feeling about the potato cleanse. My goal was ten days, and I figured if I wanted to go longer, I would. Yesterday I stopped at a store for a few more potatoes, and I desperately wanted so many other foods. It was like sensory overload. And I don't even want junk, I want tofu, and veggie sushi and soup, and a sandwich. Man does a sandwich sound good!


  1. I'm sorry to read that you are having to go through this with one of your fur babies. Sending Animal positive thoughts for a quick return to good health. Take care.

    1. Thank you so much, I really appreciate it, and so does Animal!

  2. I really hope Animal starts feeling better.

  3. Thinking good thoughts for you and Animal.

  4. More positive thoughts and vibes coming your way!

  5. I sure hope it's not Fatty Liver Disease, it will be torture for you and Animal trying to get over that insidious disease. As you noted in another post, most vets know nothing, you are better off searching the internet. Oh the regrets i have from listening to vets. I know you want positive thoughts, but dont let your and Animal get pushed into the wrong options.

    1. So far she's eating a little bit, which is something all three vets said needed to happen. I am so frustrated with my experience. I've decided to let Animal rest at home instead of dragging her back there yet again for more prodding. I just feel so turned off from vets after this experience.


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