Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Everything's Coming Up Roses


If you have a few minutes, this is an awesome video that will bring you a little cheer. I don't watch beauty channels on YouTube, so I don't know who any of these lovely ladies are, but I know that beauty channels are huge on YouTube, so this message is reaching lots of people! Woot woot! I've talked a lot about my frustration with vegan YouTube, and the constant body and food shaming. So I love seeing fresh faces who are shining such a positive light on veganism. Plus, we definitely need more beauty gurus who are vegan, let's get cruelty free to be the norm.
This is a little mini haul from yesterday. The carrot hummus was on sale and I  had to try it. I have seen this so many times and refused to buy it because it's expensive! Hummus is massively overpriced to begin with, and this stuff is worse. But it was on sale for two dollars!!!! It's made with white beans and carrots. I tried some last night and it is AHMAHZING!!!! It's a little tiny bit sweet, and it has a little kick from the sriracha. It's also really smooth and creamy. I am going to make a really tasty veggie sandwich that will not look as epic as I'm imagining, but it will  still taste out of this world! Claussen pickles have been my favorite pickle since I've liked pickles. I like the Franz bread, it's two dollars cheaper than other similar breads like Dave's Killer, and I forget the other one. It is so hard to find vegan whole wheat bread that doesn't have a laundry list of weird ingredients and is affordable. That's why I don't buy sliced bread very often. I know that Franz has a few without honey, but also a few with.
I also replenished my chocolate drawer!! I have to say that I much prefer Theo's peanut butter cups(they're really hearts not cups) to Justin's. Like by a huge landslide. Like Theo's has spoiled me for life. Justin's Peanut butter cups are runnier, and just a shell of a cup compared to Theo's. The chocolate is better, and the peanut butter is much more firm and has a saltier, more peanut-y taste. Like I am blown away. It is the best vegan peanut butter cup I've had. The Raspberry bar is very exciting. I fell in love with Taza chocolate when I was still living in PA. (shudder) Stone ground chocolate has such a unique texture. And the chocolate flavor is really rich. It feels like you are eating chocolate in it's purest form.
Next time I'll try a sriracha daisy
If you can believe it, I also bought a few potatoes at the store, and made some fries for dinner! I really genuinely craved this for dinner. I think that moving forward, I will continue to eat starch based, with potatoes being a big source of starch. One thing I noticed both times with the cleanse is that physically I FELT GREAT! Full of energy, ready to do life! When I walked my hill, or worked out I felt like my muscles were singing. So, I plan on eating a lot of potatoes in my life, but it's also nice to eat other foods. I also have been cutting way back on my oil usage, and I feel great. Yesterday I made a lentil soup for breakfast, and I water sauteed the onion! And it was fine, no one died! I'm not going fat free, and I'm not even going oil free, it's just that I have come to realize over the last month or so that oil isn't always necessary.
So, I took two pictures yesterday with my new camera, and I even downloaded onto my computer(all by myself) but the problem is now I don't know how to get them on my blog. They are stuck in limbo in desktop. I am slow to learn technological things, so this might take awhile, but I will learn. Meanwhile I'm going to keep practicing my photo taking skills. The awesome thing about being an almost crazy cat lady is I have a lot of subjects. Expect some cat videos in the near future!!!
In other cat related news, Animal really seems to be improving. Yesterday she ate some breakfast and dinner, and this morning she ate some breakfast. Not as much as I would like, but she ate a little. She also has been out and about more, as opposed to hiding under the couch. I've been able to get her antibiotic in her since she's eating, so that's great news. You don't know how happy I was when she first ate. I cried. I thought I was going to have to force feed her. She's back to her old self, just moving a bit slower. She has slept with me for the past two nights, and that has been amazing. I hope that habit stays even when she's back to 100%! Dylan slept with me NO MATTER WHAT, these guys are more into partying in the living room while I sleep!
I have to say that I am beyond frustrated with the vet clinic that I took her to. On one hand, she is improving, but on the other hand, what was wrong with her in the first place? Why did three different vets say so many different things? I have no answers, and it's scary. So, I already had a low opinion of the veterinarians based on past experience, and this did not help.
Happy Tuesday!


  1. Yay, that's so exciting about the vegan beauty you tubers! I'm curious to see their cosmetic and beauty choices though… Hopefully they will go cruelty free with their makeup. A you tuber I've watched that is really good at makeup is a vegetarian but still uses horrific brands that test on animals and I don't really understand it.

    I'm so glad that you are feeling so great post cleanse! I went and stocked up on my carbs yesterday :) i have like three bags of those frozen trader joe's hash browns because they are so easy haha.

    I'm also happy to hear that Animal is improving!! Give her lots of snuggles for me :)

    1. I really don't understand how anyone can be okay with make up brands that test on animals. All I can hope is that over time the compassion creeps into all areas of their life.
      I love the Trader Joes frozen hash browns! I love that it's just potatoes. Some frozen hash browns have a ton of weird ingredients for seemingly no reason.
      I will definitely give Animal a snuggle for you!

  2. Did you got to a specific cat vet? I feel like vets don't do a very good job since they can treat so many different animals. But I am glad Animal is feeling better.

    It is nice to see that there are some beauty gurus that are pro-vegan. But they mostly talked about diet, so I hope they eventually move to vegan beauty products and clothing. Though one girl seemed like she might be an ethical vegan. I know TyrannosaurusLexx is a vegan, though she is mostly a comedy vlogger? She did a funny video about pigeons.

    1. Yea, the one who seemed to be doing it for the animals is the girl who I would suspect uses ethical make up, which would be wonderful for her to promote kind cosmetics! For the ones who do it for diet, I hope that at some point they make the connection. I've heard other vegans who did it for health say that at some point, compassion led to more compassion.
      I took Animal to a clinic, and I definitely see the error of my ways. I was terrified of not having enough money for a vet, but I should have just gone to a vet, because I spent almost one thousand dollars for no answers. I feel very much like someone who bought a lemon, but at the same time at least Animal is slowly improving.

  3. That's great to hear that Animal is eating and getting her medicine! And so sweet that she has been sleeping with you! :)

    1. Thank you, I know! Last night was the third night in a row that she has slept with me, and I absolutely love it!!

  4. I need to bookmark this video for later :)


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