Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Start Spreading The News!

  So this showed up on Twitter today! I knew that Ben&Jerry's had a vegan ice cream in the works, but I can't believe it's here already! And what an amazing surprise that they are offering four flavors right away! I honestly figured they were going to offer one flavor, and kind of go from there. It just shows that there must be a lot of interest for them to make this big of an effort. I think this is amazing news, I have a feeling this is going to be the best ice cream ever. I used to love Ben & Jerry's! Phish Food was my JAM!
What was your favorite flavor of Ben & Jerry's? What vegan flavor looks best to you?


  1. What?!?!?!?!?! OMG!!!! This is amazing! I have my eye on the fudge brownie and coffee caramel fudge. Yuuuuuuuummmmm!!!!! Thanks for sharing this! Do we know when they are going to be available?

    1. I've been trying to find out when and where and all of that, but I can't seem to find those details. It seems like various media outlets are getting it to sample. I'm all over this like a stalker, so I will definitely share when I find out!

  2. I am prayinf the new Almond Milk Ice Cream comes down here. I loved Phish Food back in the day, but will take anything now.

    1. Great minds think alike, I loved phish food! I hope it comes to you too! Hopefully it will, Ben & Jerry;s is pretty mainstream! I really think it's going to be one of the best vegan ice creams.

  3. In my waffling vegan days, I made exceptions for Ben and Jerry so I am PUMPED! I dare say if Ben and Jerry's had vegan options I would of been 100% vegan in college. There are some locations in Philadelphia that have the ice cream so my hubs and I will be getting some for "valentines day." But truthfully we are would of done it anyways, there is a movie we are going to see that is only playing on the 13th in Philly. I will definitely blog about it.

    1. You are so lucky to be able to try it so soon! I just read on twitter or instagram that it wouldn't becoming out for a few more weeks! It's going to be so amazing, I already know! I can't wait to read all about it!!

    2. Really? Their website says their in store locations have them... but it doesn't hurt to pop in to double check. I just hope there is wide distribution when they release the pint sizes for grocery stores. I get so tired of hearing new vegan products but have no west coast distribution.

    3. I mean no east coast distribution

    4. I haven't checked their website, but I had just read on twitter that it was going to be around three weeks or so. But it is twitter! I checked a store I was in yesterday, but it was kind of a smaller one. I will be keeping my eye open for sure!

  4. I hear about this and was super excited YAY!!!


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