Thursday, July 9, 2020

Trader Joe's Risoni.. Yes or No?

I bought this quite awhile ago at Trader Joe's. I'm not sure why I bought it, because I'm definitely not a fan of bean pastas. I think I was tempted because I used to love orzo pasta, and I've never seen a gluten free version of orzo. I've had buyer's remorse since buying it, because I just had a strong feeling I wouldn't like it.
You can't beat the ingredients, chickpea and red lentil flour. Doesn't get much simpler. This box was around $2.69, or $2.99. Bean pastas are always so expensive. And it's made out of one of the cheapest ingredients, beans. I never get it.
I had some dill and basil in my fridge, so I made a pesto to stir into the risoni. I figured a strong pesto would help with flavor.
Pesto risoni, baked tofu and green salad.

The risoni has that same heavy, gloopy texture and taste as bean pastas. It didn't get fluffy like orzo does, and the flavor was really dull, even with an herb-y lemon-y pesto. I give the risoni a one out of ten, will definitely not buy again.
I know I'm in the minority here, but if you want extra protein with your pasta, it's so much cheaper and tastier to just add some actual beans to the dish.
If you like bean pasta, or the Right Rice which is "rice" made from beans, then you will probably like this, and it is a bit cheaper.


  1. Good to know! I love orzo and I usually like bean pastas, but it does seem it would be hard to recreate that orzo texture with a bean pasta!

    1. I think I'm going to us the rest for a soup.
      But if you like bean pasta, you might like it!
      Bean pasta seems to really be a love or hate food!!

  2. So sorry it didn't work out! I have never tried bean pasta, mostly because you've scared me off!

    1. Ha, I definitely should have know better. I got lured in by the decent price, and the dream of fluffy orzo!!
      I feel bad, you might like it, a a lot of people do. But gluten free is bad enough!!!

  3. I've had a couple of bean pastas, but they do just have that really heavy texture thing going on. No fun.
    Sometimes I still will buy things when I see them out of curiosity or if they are on sale, even though I know I am probably not going to enjoy them. Brains are weird like that!


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