Sunday, July 19, 2020

Skincare, Chocolate, Flowers and Cuddles!

I had a few extra bucks leftover in my weekly grocery budget, so I went to Natural Grocers for a few things. Mainly I needed my beloved Nag Champa incense but I found a few other goodies too!
Nag Champa, hair skin and nails vitamins, violife feta, parsley, stuffed grape leaves, dark chocolate, soy curls, kombucha, garbanzo bean flour
This chocolate is the star of this haul! OMG, the sweetness from the pineapple and coconut help with the bitterness of the dark chocolate. I was iffy about pineapple and chocolate, but it's a match made in heaven!! Eleven out of ten!
I love Pacifica products. I've never tried something I didn't like from them. So, when I see a sale, if I can swing it that week I get something! Sprouts had a sale on Pacifica this week, so I chose this glow baby serum, and the wake up beautiful overnight mask. I used the overnight mask Friday night, and woke up to really hydrated skin Saturday morning. No easy feat in dry ass Utah! I used the serum last night before bed, and my skin looks so dewy and nice this morning. Ten out of ten will buy both again! Bonus, the serum smells AMAZING!!
I came across this beautiful tree on my walk yesterday. I'm not sure what kind of tree it is, but I love the red bell shaped flowers.
The cuddling never stops!


  1. Replies
    1. Yes, thank you! I looked it up and you are right. I feel like I've never seen one before, but it seems like they're really popular.

  2. Yay for fun goodies! That hydrating skin mask thing sounds really good. I could use some of that during winter here. And also summer, with all the air con drying me out.

  3. That tree is so pretty! And I'm loving the cuddles!


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