Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Dal, Sandwiches and Inari!

I was feeling a bit run down physically and emotionally the other day, so I made a nice pot of red lentil dal. It's so comforting it always makes me feel better. I use this recipe, except I halve it. I really love it!

I've been loving veggie sandwiches for breakfast all week! Each one is a little different depending on what I have. This sandwich is lightly toasted gluten free bread, vegan cream cheese, clover sprouts and English cucumber. Yum!
Last night I decided to make inari sushi! Never did I think that would be a possibility! I found this at the Asian market last week. All you have to do is make the rice, the packet comes with the tofu pouches, and seasoning packets for the rice. It was very easy to make, the tofu pouches are flexible and very forgiving. next time I will make a full sushi spread, but I was just too excited to wait!


  1. I love those Inari pouches! Well, not those exact ones. We have different ones over here. They are also excellent to slice up and throw into a stir-fry or as the filling for traditional sushi rolls, and I have been known to just eat them straight from the packet because they are very tasty.

  2. I have some inari pouches I need to try and keep putting it off. I definitely need to put this on my recipes-to-make list for the week!

  3. Inari is my fave! I haven't made any in so long! I always get a little sad when I order it in a sushi place and only get 2 per order. I want, like, 10! hahaha. Also, yay for veggie sandwiches for breakfast!!!


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