Monday, July 20, 2020

Just Another Random Monday

I've been craving falafel for awhile now. I've never been good at making falafel, but I figured I'd give it another try. To be honest, I think baked falafel is just never as good as deep fried, no matter who makes it. But I don't deep fry, so I found a recipe online and went with baked. I think falafel just has to be something I eat when someone else makes it!
I made a whole feast, lemon garlic rice, cucumber and pepper salad with violife feta, stuffed grape leaves, and the falafel. The falafel were dry and really crumbly. At least the rest of the meal was tasty.
Natural Grocers had a BOGO Health-Ade kombucha sale, so I tried these two new to me flavors. The grape vibes was really tasty, nice light grape flavor, will definitely buy again. The cherry berry was just okay, not a ton of cherry or berry flavor.
Scenes from my Sunday morning walk. I love the two tone roses! Especially the pink and white. They remind me of peppermint candy! Whenever I see these mysterious V's on poles, I always say "V is for vegan" in my mind!
I spotted this at Target the other day! I didn't even know Healthy Choice was adding vegan choices to their line. Pretty awesome if you ask me. And I'm glad they're using gardein.
Last night I had horrible cramps and my appetite was pretty low most of the day, and I definitely didn't have it in me to cook, so crinkle fries to the rescue! With some salad for good measure.

I dipped my fries in this BBQ sauce. I found it on clearance quite awhile ago. It's a lot thicker than other BBQ sauces, which I like. The flavor is also really nice. I bet it would be good slathered on some tofu for the grill!
Bubba has recently discovered that he loves toys, and catnip. Preferably toys rolled in catnip!


  1. I'm not great at making falafel, either; I usually buy it frozen in the kosher section and then bake it according to the directions. I think I'm just reheating it from fried so it turns out pretty good that way. I wish I was better at making falafel myself!

    1. If I could find frozen falafel I would be all over it!! Because even the mixes aren't great when baked. I'll have to see if any grocery stores around here have a kosher section.

  2. What a happy little Bubba!
    I've made falafel a few times, and I tend to have the opposite in that they are a bit too mushy, but they still taste good. Always baked or occasionally pan-fried, no deep frying for me!

  3. The roses are beautiful, and sweet Bubba is too cute for words! <3


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