Monday, July 13, 2020

Hummus, Burgers and Noodles!

When I went to Sprouts last week, I saw a spinach and artichoke hummus that I really wanted to try. I talked myself out of it for budget reasons. I have a can of artichoke hearts, tahini and dried chickpeas in my pantry, I can make my own.
But when I went to Target I saw their store brand of the same flavor for a much cheaper price. I decided to get some for you know, research purposes!!
It's nice and creamy with a good amount of lemon. It's bright tasting. I've been having it with baby carrots as an afternoon snack. Ten out of ten will definitely buy again. But I'm also going to try and recreate!
Spotted at Smiths! They have Lightlife, Beyond, Impossible and now their own Simple Truth brand all in a cooler in the meat section.
Has anyone tried these? They look like the typical Beyond style burgers and crumbles.
I have an abundance of Thai basil so I've been Googling recipe ideas. This is Thai basil noodles, and it was really, really tasty! I used this recipe, with a few changes as always! I left out the bok choy and mushrooms, and used coconut sugar instead of maple syrup for the sauce. These were so simple and easy to make, and the Thai basil really popped!


  1. I don't eat hummus nearly so often when I just make my own; I don't know why, either. But I did conclude a while ago that it was too pricey to buy in most cases and stopped even looking for it, even though I really think that a lot of the time the kind I bought was better than what I made. I should get some hummus soon; there are so few joys in quarantine!

    1. Every time I make hummus, I'm reminded how easy it is to make. But, then I also get tempted by store bought.
      It's ridiculous how expensive it is compared to making it yourself!
      There are so few joys, I've been able to talk myself into so many more treats because of that!

  2. The noodles look amazing! Love spinach/artichoke hummus! And I have had the Emerge meat, and it's really good. Someone put it in a pasta dish at a potluck (back when it was still safe to have potlucks!!), and it tasted just like Beyond to me!

  3. I love Thai basil! It is often hard to find here, but once I had a plant of it that actually grew for a while. It is so good.
    Also yay for hummus research. You did good work for the scientific hummus community there.


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