Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Daiya White Cheddar Mac and Cheese

About a month or two ago I saw daiya mac and cheese was on sale for $1.99 a box!!! I can't stand their cheddar mac and cheese, the Alfredo style is a bit better, but still not good in my opinion. I haven't tried the white cheddar, so I figured why not try it while it's such a good price.
It's been sitting in my pantry mostly ignored until last night. I didn't have it in me to cook, and I didn't have much of an appetite so it seemed like a perfect time to make something I might not like!
The pasta packet comes with freeze dried carrot, peas and red bell pepper. I thought the carrot and red pepper were a bit strange, but peas in mac and cheese is a classic. Unfortunately, the veggies did not properly cook with the pasta, and they had the strangest texture. Dry, tasteless and kind of crunchy. The sauce itself is the best of the three flavors, it's just too bad you can't get past the weird veggies.
I give this a three out of ten. The score would be so much higher if the veggies cooked properly.
In my opinion, we're just not there with vegan mac and cheese. We've come so far with faux meats, cheeses and even vegan butter, and homemade vegan mac and cheese can be amazing, but there's still a lot of work to do on boxed mac and cheese!
Has anyone else tried this? Did I just get a funky box with weird, hard veggies?


  1. I think the Annie's boxed mac and cheese is the best one, but I usually just make my own cheese sauce when I'm in a mac and cheese mood. Daiya does sell the cheese packets by themselves, and I prefer that to buying the box with the pasta. They don't sell the white cheddar alone, though, sadly.

    1. I have a box of the Annie's, which I totally agree is the best option, but I didn't have any plant milk so I went with the daiya!
      If they sold the white cheddar sauce packet alone, I might buy it again on sale, but other than that I think I'm done with daiya mac and cheese!

  2. Last time I bought Daiya Mac and Cheese it was also $1.99 a box! I bought too many. I've never had that one because I didn't fancy picking pieces of capsicum out of my sauce. I think the best flavour is the Four Cheeses one, if you ever see that, but still I wouldn't go out of my way. I think of the boxed mac and cheese I can get here, that is the best one, but the bar is low so it doesn't mean I really enjoy it. I did a lot of doctoring to them to use those sale boxes up!

    1. I don't think I've ever seen the four cheeses one. But honestly, I doubt I would try it at this point because they've all been such a letdown!!
      I tried to eat around the veggies, but it was almost impossible!!
      It kind of defeats the purpose of an easy meal if you have to doctor it up!!


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