Friday, April 3, 2020

Quarantine Haul

Well, I went as long as I could without a trip to the grocery. I don't have a fully stocked pantry or freezer, so I was not in any way prepared for our current situation.
I'm trying to only go for groceries every ten or more days so we'll see how it goes. Since I walk or take the bus, I can't really load up too much even if I could afford to.
Speaking of buses, I haven't taken one since things got real bad, I've just been staying home or walking places, but yesterday I wasn't feeling that great and since I've temporarily lost my job I need to watch my budget even more than usual(which is scary) so I wanted to go to Trader Joe's. Taking the bus was very strange, you enter through the back door and they aren't having you pay to protect the driver. And, there are signs all over saying that starting Monday, bus services are being greatly limited, and a lot of routes are being suspended. I'm sure not many people are taking the bus, and I'm sure it's terrifying for the drivers, but I do feel bad for people who have low paying jobs at grocery and convenience stores, gas stations and restaurants who rely on the bus and don't get paid enough to uber or taxi.
So, I went to Trader Joe's and it wasn't wonderful, but it wasn't horrible either. They are only allowing five people in at a time, I guess as five leave five go in? I'm not sure but it saved us all the stress of being crammed in. I don't think I've ever stood in a line to get into a store!
Potatoes(!!!), Meyer lemons,tangelos, household cleaner, romaine, celeryx2, BBQ popped chips, tofux2, stuffed grape leaves,almond and coconut vanilla creamer,lite coconut milk, black beans
I hope everyone is staying safe out there. And not suffering too much mentally. As a textbook introvert self isolation is kind of my preferred state, but I imagine this must be so hard for more extroverted personalities. And it's just so weird and scary it's hard not to feel anxious. And here in America we have a complete ninny as a president so there's that.
Here's a judge-y Kiki feeling perturbed because I ran the vacuum, and I love Bubba and refuse to allow her to terrorize him!


  1. I know I'd feel better with a more competent government! I'm glad you got some supplies. Things are so hard right now. I am going to the store this weekend and I last went 21 days ago. I usually only go every two weeks or so, so it wasn't that different, but now I do have a lot of anxiety about what it will be like so I'm going to the store open until midnight, and I'm going at about 10:00PM so it'll be quieter. Stay safe.

    1. Let me know if going later is a little more calm. I tend to go early in the morning, when stores first open. Before all of this that was usually peaceful, but unfortunately it seems a lot of people have the same idea and it's a bit scary. I can feel the hostility from some people.
      Be careful, and I hope you can find what you need!

  2. They are also counting and limiting the number of customers in grocery stores in my area at a given time. Customers must move through the aisles at a certain pace, and in only one direction, to avoid coming into close contact with others as they shop. Each customer is given a certain number of timed minutes to get only the essential items they need and to leave the store. Non-essential items are not being sold to discourage unnecessary shopping and limit customers going to the stores.

    They've constructed plexiglass screens (sneeze guards) at the grocery store registers to protect the cashiers from the customers and the customers from the cashiers. All store employees wear a virus-protection face mask and surgical gloves. There is red tape everywhere on the floor measuring the permissible distance a customer must be from any other person on the premises. There are also red-arrowed social distancing signs at every aisle end cap. There is an ominous voice on the overhead speakers that comes on every couple of minutes and warns that any customer that doesn't follow the social distancing policies will be arrested and subject to virus testing.

    Return and exchange policies have been cancelled -- all sales are final. If you dare cough or sneeze accidentally, you will be immediately escorted out of the store and into a waiting ambulance by two store VPGs (Virus Protection Guards) doning full white gown, gloves and hazmat attire. It's been frightful.

  3. OMG, that sounds absolutely terrifying! I noticed Winco also has the tape, and signs reminding everyone about social distancing, but what you're describing sounds even more terrifying!
    I was so paranoid while in Trader Joe's, because it's still been pretty cold here, and my nose was a little runny and I was so terrified of my sniffles. I had to go in the restroom and try to blow my nose(thankfully no one was in there for me to scare)
    It's weird because we all want to be safe so on one hand I'm glad stores are doing their best, but it's just all so scary and strange, and seems like a scene out of some sci fi movie or something.
    I guess the unpleasantness will hopefully keep people home more, and maybe slow down panic buying a bit?
    Stay safe and sane, I know it's hard!

  4. I'm glad your trip to Trader Joe's went well, given the circumstances. Kiki looks adorable up there, so perfectly framed by the cabinet!
