Wednesday, August 1, 2018

The Bad The Good and a Vegan Haul!

Yesterday was just one of those days. I got an Email Monday night saying thanks for interviewing but we went in another direction from one of my interviews, and then Tuesday morning I got a text from the second interview saying the same thing. Rough twelve hours although I have to say it was very nice of them to at least let me know. A lot of places leave you hanging. Anyway I'm feeling a bit low. I felt iffy about one of the interviews because they asked a few ridiculous questions and I had a hard time answering, but one interview I thought went really well. Anyway yesterday was a cry day and I stopped at a Smith's to get some peanuts for the squirrels and I randomly checked their frozen section and I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the vegan Haagen Dazs ice cream! I had given up on ever finding it and there it was on a day where I needed chocolate and I needed the comfort of ice cream!
The best part? It was on sale for $3.39 a pint! That's so cheap for even non vegan Haagen Dazs let alone any vegan ice cream. It was meant to be. It's really, really good.
It's peanut butter ice cream with a salted fudge swirl!!! As you can see they're generous with the fudge! This is really rich, even on a day like yesterday where I wanted to eat my feelings I couldn't have more than a bowl. I have to go and get another flavor while it's still on sale. Definitely one of the best vegan ice creams I've tried!
I also stumbled across a branch of the library I never knew existed and I can never not go into a library! I found the No Meat Athlete cookbook and I had to check it out! I know Bianca loves it, and last night Susan let me know on Instagram that she loves it too! I already have several recipes bookmarked, all three being potato recipes! Ha!
Onion, just mayo, popsicles, pineapple,cilantro and green onion,peaches,raspberries,kale,hummus and crackers,tofu,red lentils,nooch and hemp hearts from the bulk section, gold potatoes, ginger powder and tapioca starch from bulk, white beans, rice noodles,bananas,lemon, limes, avocado and peanut butter
Here is this week's grocery haul. I went to plain old Smith's. I was in kind of a rush and didn't have time to bop around to different stores, It's okay though because they had some great deals on produce. Plus I wanted to show that you can eat vegan on a budget at standard grocery stores. I got all of this for a little under thirty dollars.
I never buy these snack packs of hummus because of packaging and cost. But I couldn't resist this price. WooHoo! Plus I know how stores work, I work in one. If these don't sell they get tossed and that's even more wasteful!
Food doesn't make everything better, but good food and sales and woohoo deals at least are a nice salve for the wound!


  1. That sucks about the interviews. I'm sorry. Hopefully some more will come, and it was at least good not to leave you hanging. The universe clearly knew that you needed some ice cream. And peanut butter ice cream at that. **hugs**

    I look forward to seeing what you make from the No Meat Athlete book.

    1. It does suck. I am definitely feeling very low. The universe did provide me with peanut buttery chocolate'y comfort though.
      I already made the turmeric spiced potatoes last night and they were amazing!

  2. I am so sorry that the interviews didn't pan out and that you are feeling so low. It's a really crappy place to be but I'm a firm believer that the universe will put you in the right position at the right time. You are so strong and resilient I know you'll end up just fine.

    On a happier note, that ice cream looks incredible and what a great price!! The haul is amazing, so much for such a great price. I'm always impressed by how far you are able to stretch your budget.

    1. I keep telling myself that but it's easier to say it then believe it. But thank you!
      I really scored on the ice cream! I already went back and got a second flavor while the sale is still on!
      I really lucked out this week with groceries. Smith's had some great sales!

  3. I'm really sorry you didn't get better news after your interviews; that really stinks. Sending you hugs <3
    That's great that you found the ice cream, though; that was definitely perfect timing! Etta looks a bit skeptical of the cookbook, haha! Awesome haul and nice deal on the hummus!

    1. Thank you!
      Ha Etta is skeptical of me taking her picture. She is really hard to get a great picture with her eyes!
      The ice cream was perfect timing!

  4. It’s hard to believe right now, but you have to trust that this just means neither of those were supposed to be your job. Of course this doesn’t make anything suck less, but i know you’re a determined resilient person who has been through a whole lot worse than a no thank you from a job! I know you’ll pick yourself up, dust it off and go after what you want.
    Totally awesome find on the ice cream! I’ve never seen their nondairy options, although i buy the mango or raspberry sorbet when it’s on a good sale.
    Have you ever had japchae? It uses glass noodles, basically a korean stir fry dish. I think you would be very into it.

    1. I am trying to tell myself that. And I know it's the truth but it's still a really bitter pill.
      I had all but given up on fining the vegan ice cream so hopefully you can find it sometime.Their mango sorbet is to die for!
      I'm going to look up japchae. I think the Cheap Lazy vegan has made it. I'm really into noodles ans I love gochujamg so I feel like I'll love it!

  5. Really sorry to hear that you got this news :( It's so positive that you are getting interviews though. Please don't give up. I can remember times in my life where I was desperate to move jobs and it took a lot of interviews before I got there! Are their any colleagues or other people nearby you can tell that you are looking. A couple of times I've ended up with decent jobs because someone else has spotted them and told me. Sending you lots of love and good luck xxx

    1. I've being trying to put the word out there. It's very discouraging but I'm trying really hard not to give up!
      Thank you I need it all!


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