Monday, April 18, 2016

Vegans Are Springing Up Everywhere!

I accidentally came across this video yesterday and really loved it. We need more dudes representing. Veganism is still thought of as a girl thing, or something only weaklings do. And since there are a lot of vegans, or plant based eaters who seem hell bent on making veganism seem as complicated, expensive, and unwelcoming as possible, I like people showing that it's just as easy as any other way of eating. And I like when he says that when his friends eat they go to sleep, but when he eats he feels full of energy. It's so true. When I went to a brunch thing a few years ago with some non vegans, I filled up on my only option which was salad and fruit. Everyone else filled up on various disgusting meat heavy breakfast foods. After the meal, I felt like going for a walk or something, where the rest of my group were sluggish and bogged down. They do swear in this video, so if you're sensitive, don't watch. I'm someone who prides myself on being an individual. I don't like many trends, and I certainly don't consider myself mainstream. But, the one thing I do want to go mainstream is veganism. I will proudly be one of the crowd when that happens. So, I know a lot of vegans get irritated when celebs get on the vegan bandwagon, but to me it's always a good thing. Even if they do it for a  month to lose weight or "cleanse" or whatever. They have millions of fans who now are curious about veganism. It all helps, and it's all getting the word out.
Yesterday was a warm sunny day here in Seattle. I feel so happy because usually April is a very rainy month. I usually loathe Seattle during the month of April, and vow to move someplace sunny. But this April has been unusually clear and gorgeous. It's been really amazing. It felt like a taco kind of night, so I crumbled a Lightlife Black bean burger in a pan along with some black beans and taco type seasoning. Super tasty, and super easy. If you ever see these burgers, try them! I only ever see them at one store, so I don't know how easy they are to find, but anyway they are really one of my favorite packaged burgers.
Topped with lettuce, guac, and hot sauce!

These really hit the spot. Why are tacos always so good?  I don't know but there is just something about warm, spicy beans with crisp cool lettuce and hot sauce that makes my mouth happy. And I don't even feel like I need vegan cheese. I feel like cheese is totally unnecessary to the experience.
I hope spring has sprung where you live!


  1. I need to check out their channel! Thanks!!!!!!!

    1. I love finding new to me vegans, especially unexpected vegans!

  2. I love seeing cooking channels that aren't rich white folks. I think at home cooking comes off as privileged and pretentious, so when someone comes in with a new voice I get excited. That is why I love The Post Punk Kitchen and Good Eats. I even appreciate when people write about food in a way that isn't super flowery and makes food seem other worldy. I mean that is why I like Jim Gaffigan, even if he cracks jokes on vegans.

    1. I do too. I am a big fan of diversity! I also like talking about feeling good and nutrition on more simple terms. Sometimes people make it seem a lot more complicated than needed.
      I like Jim Gaffigan too, although I'm not super familiar. If done right I can laugh at some jokes on vegans. But very few do it right.


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