Saturday, April 23, 2016

Soup, Cats, and Cupboards

The weather turned cooler and grey-er yesterday, so that combined with my sadness over the sudden death of Prince, meant I needed soup for dinner. I decided to try my hand at a potato corn chowder, since I'm kind of flirting with the idea of another potato cleanse. I googled a few recipes, and kind of took a little from each one. I didn't write down what I did, I just cooked and listened to Prince. It was pretty soothing. I never realized that Prince's music was so good to cook to. And, since he was a vegan, it makes it even more appropriate.
I used Yukon gold potatoes, Alexia frozen corn which had some herbs and sun dried tomato, and coconut milk. I used my immersion blender and blended it to a creamy/chunky texture. I used lots of smoked paprika and a little red curry powder. It's a little sweet, and rich and sooooo creamy. This would satisfy any hardcore chowder lover. I feel like this is a soup that will always change when I make it. Maybe next time I'll swipe out the curry powder for chili powder and cumin. The possibilities are endless as long as you have onion, potato, corn, and coconut milk. I feel like Prince would have liked this soup too.
I was reaching for a pan in the back of my cupboard, and look what I found!
Look at that satisfied look on his face! He was the first kitty to jump in the top shelf of my lower cupboard. What a trailblazer!
Today is day three of challenging myself when it comes to working out. I am feeling sore, and ache-y, but in the best way. It's that ache that comes from working hard. My body seems to be responding well, I feel a buzz of happy energy, and I'm not just talking about the rush of endorphins, this is a buzz that's with me all the time. So much better than an alcohol buzz!
Before I sign off for the day, I still have some dollar off Qrunch burger coupons to give away. Let me know if Qrunch burgers are available in your area, and I'll send you a coupon. I have four left!
I forgot that I have a picture of the frozen corn I used. It was new to me, from Alexia, I thought they only made fries? This corn is AHMAZING, it would be great in a pasta salad. It has a really great flavor!
Oh, and also the ginger limeade from Califia farms is too good! The Oakley water I got for the pouch, which I will be reusing. It's way easier to cram in a bag than the glass bottles I reuse for water. It is weird drinking out of a bag, or a pouch but I'll get the hang of it. Anyway, if you see that corn, it's really good!


  1. Ooh that soup looks really good and I agree, you can't get any more comforting than that. I don't know what is going on lately, all of the good ones are passing way before their time. I was pretty devastated when Scott Weiland died.

    I have to find the Califia Farms citrus drinks. They are going to be so refreshing for the summer! And how cute is your kitty?! I love the smug look on his face, ha!

    1. I was gutted when Scot Weiland died too. Especially because he seemed to have lived through the worst of his addiction. Stone Temple Pilots were one of my faves.
      The ginger limeade is so delicious! I hope they make them in larger containers, I might Email them and ask them if they are going to maybe for summer?

  2. That face just made my Caturday because I am still in shock over Prince. When I found out I shouted: "Anybody but him!!!" Rock stars who had to have blood transfusions due to drug abuse are still alive for crying out loud!!! I was a teenager when 1999 came out and was obsessed with buying his b-side releases on vinyl as well. He was the soundtrack of my youth and I took such pride that he was a fellow vegan and not because it was trendy but because he believed in its core values.

    1. I know. I still feel in shock. I've been reading more about him, and he was just really amazing. He donated so much money to so many charities in secret. And I read an interview with his longtime hairdresser who said he encouraged everyone around him to be vegan. I am just so sad.

  3. yum yum yum on the dish!

    I know what you mean about's so sad! What an icon and game changer on so many levels!

    1. I'm having a really hard time with the passing of Prince. The more I read about him as a person, the sadder it is.


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