Wednesday, April 27, 2016

MidWeek Munchies from Trader Joe's!

I went to good old Trader Joe's yesterday. Something that I really enjoy about Trader Joe's is that they don't have sales, or cards that you have to keep track of to get certain prices. They're that friend you can always count on.
spinach, corn, red onion, and sweet potato

Frozen mango, Yukon gold potatoes, and cilantro

Lentils, lemons, green tea, and iceberg lettuce

Coffee that you make in the bag!
I also got Jasmine rice that somehow missed it's moment. Something I just noticed yesterday is that the Jasmine and Basmati rice are the same price, but the Jasmine rice is three pounds and the Basmati is two pounds! I had Basmati in my cart for a little change of pace, but decided I'm not so bored with Jasmine after all!
I'm super excited about the coffee bag. The directions say to pour the hot water right in the bag, wait four minutes, and you have French press style coffee. For someone like me who has given up the daily habit of coffee, but still enjoys a cup every now and then this is perfect. And it was only $1.49! So much cheaper than buying a cup. I feel like these would be great for traveling, they're flat and light so they wouldn't take up much room, and again so much cheaper than even just a plain drip at a coffee shop. The bag says it makes two cups!
For dinner I made a simple lentil curry. Trader Joe's was out of coconut milk, so I just made my own with some coconut shreds hanging around in my freezer. Lentils and rice, it doesn't really get much cheaper does it?
The only downer about lentils is how hard it is to make them pretty! Whether it's lentil soup, or just plain lentils, they're definitely not the prettiest color! But I don't care, they are definitely my favorite legume. They have been my saving grace through some really broke times in my life when one carrot, one onion and a bag of lentils have fed me for a week!
By the way, this is my MidWeek Munchies post. I finally, after all this time posted a MidWeek post on an actual Wednesday! Woot!
Happy Wednesday!


  1. MWM Link up is...UP...thanks for participating! Looks like a great haul! Nice organics, too!

    1. I finally remembered on an actual Wednesday!

  2. That coffee is intruiging! One of our local bars does fresh coffee that comes in a bag like a tea bag and after a few minutes of brewing you take it out of the cup. It's not bad stuff. I've never seen it in a shop though weirdly I'm sure my dad used to buy something similar back in the 1970's!

    1. I've always wondered why they don't make coffee in some type of tea bag form as an alternative to instant which leaves a lot to be desired!

  3. I am so with you, I love how Trader Joe's is affordable no matter what! Their produce selection may not be as big as Whole Foods but the prices are so much better. Nut butters are also much less expensive there too! I have been craving mango like crazy lately! I definitely need to get some.

    1. And with Whole Foods yes you can hit sales, but you have to be lucky to hit it at the right time. I love that the prices are always the prices at Trader Joe's.
      I love Mangoes so much! I love them in smoothies because they add a creaminess similar to bananas.

  4. I love Trader Joes, but my biggest complaint is how often they shuffle their products. Some are limited edition, some are on shelves for a year then pulled, or just hard to stock. They always seem to be low in stock or out of something I want each time go. Maybe it is just my location? They are fairly sparse on the East Coast

    1. No, I do get frustrated with certain things that seem impossible for them to keep in stock, or also like you said, sometimes things just disappear with no warning, and it's so annoying. Give a girl some warning so she can stock up, ya know!

  5. Be careful with the coffee! I tried it and wasn't the biggest fan (i like a darker roast).
    But! What is very tricky is pouring the boiling water into it without scalding yourself.....

    1. I didn't care for it either, and I almost scalded myself when pouring the water in. I had to order my cats away from my feet for fear of hurting them! I won't be buying that again for sure!


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