Friday, April 15, 2016

Haul and Pizza, Vegan Style

Happy Camper vitamins, basil which I got for one dollar, eggplant,red pepper,cilantro, iceberg,and potatoes

sliced banana peppers,Califia farms meyer lemonade,mango habenero kombucha,bread,purple sweet potato, and spicy olives

Asian salad mix,raw cashews,ginger tea,Wholly guacamole, and Eat Pastry peanut butter chocolate chip cookie dough

This juice is super beet-y
I was out and about yesterday and got some things I've been needing and forgetting. I have been wanting to have banana peppers in my fridge for forever. I love them on sandwiches, salads and pizzas. I also have been out of raw cashews for two weeks or so, and that is never good. I was looking for some organic Romaine hearts, and I went to two stores and both had Romaine hearts that have seen better days. The cookie dough will help ease my pain though! Ha Ha!
I took the Happy Camper supplements after I lost Dylan, and I do feel like they helped. I have a few things on my mind that sometimes get me down, and these were on sale so I took it as a sign.
The Bolthouse Farms juice is called 1915, and it isn't as expensive as the other fresh pressed juices. I normally make my own, but yesterday was a hectic day so I splurged. It is super beet-y. I make my beet juice with pineapple which really kills that beet taste. But it tasted good and fresh, and if you do like beets, you will love this juice!
One of the reasons my day was hectic yesterday was that I helped a friend move. Not the heavy stuff, just the odds and ends, boxes, lamps etc. After all the moving was done, we ordered pizza! We ordered from Pagliacci Pizza. I remember hundreds of years ago, this was the first pizza I had in Seattle. Being raised in the mid-west, with a mom who insisted that nothing in life could ever no be whole wheat, this pizza taught me what real crust was supposed to be. I haven't had pizza from them in too long, and they are just as amazing as I remember.
This is theri vegetarian pizza with no cheese, and also no green peppers, but add roasted garlic and Lil Mama's peppers. I can't say enough about them. They are super generous with their toppings, the sauce is flavorful, and THAT CRUST! It has that kind of crispy snap when you bit in, and it's still tender on the inside. And it is not too thin, or too thick. I am no pizza connoisseur, but to me the crust is pretty close to perfect! The Lil Mama's peppers are like sweet hot pickled peppers. This was the best pizza I've had in a really long time. If you ever find yourself in Seattle, you need to try this pizza!
And lastly, I leave you with cats who are slowly taking over the couch. Some days half of my rear is hanging off the couch! I really need to get a desk and chair! The life of a crazy cat lady is seriously no joke!
Happy Friday!


  1. Seattle is supposed to be a premiere culinary destination. I would expect you to find great grub like that Pizza more often than not.

    1. Now that rainy season is coming to a close, I plan on exploring more places to eat, because there are so many vegan friendly restaurants. Not to mention food trucks!

  2. You're such a good friend to do that! Getting paid in pizza sounds kind of fabulous though.. :))
    And what a great assortment of goodies from the grocery store- fresh basil is amazing on near anything. I often juice beets with ginger, carrots and lemon, too much beet can definitely make it "earthy". Are you going to bake the cookies or just eat the dough raw?

    1. So far I've just been taking bites of the dough right from the package. I always mean to make cookies, it just never happens!

  3. The WHolly Gauc I have seen around here has EGGS in it! sigh...ah well...I'll just make my own LOL

    1. What the heck? I have never in my life heard of eggs in guacamole! That is so strange!

  4. Oh my goodness, that is an incredibly adorable kitty cuddle pile! :D

    1. I know!!! I never have the heart to move any of them!


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