Friday, April 29, 2016

No EVOO Required

Baked fries with sriracha Just Mayo

Herb roasted potatoes with corn and vegan herb gravy
Ever since doing the ten day potato cleanse, I've still been eating a potato heavy diet. I enjoy potatoes because they are very filling, very cheap(even for organic) and very versatile. Since potatoes are always considered a side dish, there is a misconception that they aren't filling. It's a shame, because actually they're very filling. And the good kind of full, the kind of full that gives you energy, not draining your energy.
Since I was never taught how to cook, I have taught myself through trial and error, cookbooks, cooking shows, and of course the webz. I used to think that to properly roast potatoes or I guess any vegetable, it took glugs and glugs of EVOO(extra virgin olive oil) Side note- I used to LOVE Rachael Ray, like LOVE and I dated a guy who would lose his mind when I would watch Rachael Ray, because she would say EVOO, and then explain that it was extra virgin olive oil, and it pissed him off so much. He would scream "why make up an abbreviation if you're just going to keep using the whole word anyway" It was pretty hilarious. He was a stand up comedian, and ended up adding some Rachael Ray jokes to his act.
But, back to roasting potatoes. I used to struggle with perfectly roasted potatoes or oven fries when I used a lot more oil. I used to feel like I over or under cooked them a lot, and I never was too much of a fan of super greasy, oily food. When I started the potato cleanse, I watched High Carb Hannah making oven fries, and she goes hardcore with no oil. I tried that, and I wasn't the biggest fan of the no oil flavor either. So, I feel like I have found the perfect compromise. I use coconut oil. First, I cut my potatoes in whatever shape I want, and then I take a small amount of coconut oil, like a half teaspoon or less, and I kind of rub it in my hands so it melts, and then I just massage my potatoes like it's kale! After that, rub the rest in your hands or face for some extra moisture! Then, season your potatoes however you prefer, and roast. It's a small amount of oil, and it makes a big difference in my opinion. I have no plans on going oil free, but I have learned that A LOT of recipes call for way too much oil. I haven't had a single issue since starting this method.I roast my potatoes at 400 degrees, and I get perfect potatoes every time.
I had been hearing rumors about this for awhile now, but it seems to be true. Wendy's fast food chain is starting to offer a vegan black bean burger! This is great news for many reasons. For many reasons I don't eat out very often, but I know from many road trips and trips on Greyhound buses that sometimes finding substantial vegan food is beyond impossible. I remember once stopping and the only place for food was an Arbys. Try veganizing something from the "Home of the roast beef sandwich" menu. But, fast food places like Taco Bell, Wendy's, Subway, on and on are everywhere, and a black bean burger will fill you up much more than a bowl of iceberg lettuce with some fat free Italian dressing. Also, in terms of non vegans trying something meatless, they might feel braver at Wendy's than walking into a Veggie Grill. It's safe and familiar. This is nothing but good news, and I hope it inspires a lot of fast food copycats!
Happy Friday!


  1. I had no idea that Wendy's was offering a vegan burger!!! That really is exciting!! I wonder if it is already available. That is amazing.

    Haha I'm not going to lie, I am in your ex's boat… she kind of drove me nuts for reasons exactly like that, hahaha. I'm glad that you are enjoying your potato heavy diet. I have been craving fruit like crazy lately and the idea of eating potatoes has not been appealing to me so I plan on loading up on inexpensive frozen fruit for smoothies at Trader Joe's this weekend :) Your potatoes do look delicious though!

    1. I've been enjoying smoothies again too. I think for me, smoothies are a spring and summer thing.
      I think Wendy's is testing the burger in Ohio, and somewhere else and then they will expand the availability.
      My ex would feel so justified now, hearing other people agree!

  2. Kudos to Wendy's! That's great news! I wonder how long it will take to get it locally...sigh...

    I just bought and will crack open soon a Ginger Lemon KeVita! I raise my glass bottle to you! Happy Weekend!

    1. Cheers!
      You might get the Wendy's vegan burger sooner than you think, because Ohio is one of the states they're testing in.

  3. Not only did Racheal Ray say "EVOO" and then "Extra Virgin Olive Oil" but the Food Network would then put up a little graphic explaining EVOO=Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

    I could eat Potatoes with every meal. The Frozen Tots bake up crispy in the Toaster Oven.

    1. I might have to go back and see if I find her annoying now. Food network used to be really good and educational, but over the years it has just become a channel I don't even recognize.
      I have some tots that I'm going to try and turn into buffalo tots, with FYH Blue cheese for dipping. I had a toaster oven in PA, I love those little things!

  4. Do not like Rachel Ray- insert grumpy face emoji. lol I never liked her need to make everything cutsey- EVOO, nutrish, etc. But hey, she tried to get people in the kitchen so that's good right? My sister's favorite tip from Rachel was adding a little bit of tabasco sauce to marinades.

    1. Over the years she wore out her welcome in my heart, but i feel like when she first started out she was enjoyable to watch, but over the years she has become almost a caricature of herself. Also, the longer I'm vegan, the less I can handle some of the meatier cooking shows. I've lost that ability to ignore the fact that it's a dead animal they're cooking. Plus, she has done several shows with Guy Fieri, and there just is no going back from there!


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