Friday, April 1, 2016

Malls, Cats, and Vegan Gyoza

They paved paradise and put up a parking lot
Look at that beautiful sunrise I can see from my deck. It would be so much more beautiful if the dang mall weren't in the way. Northgate, which is the neighborhood I currently live in, is really the picture of consumerism. It has a all, right across from a huge building that hosts Ross dress for less, Target, Best Buy, Sports Authority, and PetCo. I always hated NorthGate, and felt depressed about humanity when I came here, so it's funny that now I live here. My hatred was pre PA. though, and that miserable experience put many things in perspective.
Etta really didn't want a cuddle partner, but Kanye pretty much gave her no choice. The look on Etta's face says it all. Her face is giving me resignation, with a little irritation.
When I was at Central Market stocking up on tofu, I picked up some gyoza wrappers that are vegan. I saw someone making dumplings the other day, and my taste buds told me I needed to make some dumplings.
I made little pouches, which I steamed and I made the crescent shaped gyozas, which I steamed and sauteed in a little coconut oil to get them browned. I really should have written down what I did, because these were really good! But I was feeling a little blue, and I just put on some Young Turks and got to cooking. For the filling I used onion, cabbage, carrot, and edamame. I sauteed the veggies in a little water, and added some soy sauce, and also a little Soyaki from Trader Joe's. When they were done and off the heat, I added a smidge of sesame oil.
I made a little dipping sauce with soy sauce, crushed red pepper, sriracha, rice vinegar and a little brown sugar. This was a really tasty and fun meal. I love dipping things! I've never made the pouch shape dumplings, I always thought it looked hard. I am a dork, but no more. I like dumplings both ways, steamed and sauteed.
I have a ton more wrappers, the package must have a million wrappers in it! So, the next time I make these I will write down what I do. The veggie mixture tasted so good, it was hard not to eat it right out of the pan!
I had to replenish my chocolate drawer, and look what I found in addition the the peanut butter cups! The blue package are cups, but instead of peanut butter they are dark chocolate coconut cups! Like the best mounds bar ever! If you see these, and like coconut grab some. They got the ratio of coconut to chocolate just right.
Happy Friday!


  1. Oh wow those dumplings look amazing & the dipping sauce sounds perfect, too! :D

    1. Thanks, it was a fun and relaxing project that produced a tasty dinner!

  2. Those Dumplings look professionally made (just like your Sushi did). You certainly have a knack for turning out food. Havent heard of Unreal, but I doubt it will ever get here. Still hunting for the B&J's

    1. I was surprised when I was able to make the pouch dumplings. I think listening to Cenk Uygur rant about Trump helped my dumpling making skills! The UnReal cups are seriously better than Justin's and Theo's in my opinion.

  3. Those dumplings look amazing! *drools*

  4. I've been watching at least 1 TYT video each night lately!

    1. Me too, I love them all so much, and I learn so much from them!


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