Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Classic Vegan

This is a rare sighting! Scrappy(brown) usually has no time for Chunk, and if he even looks at her, she's ready to fight. They cuddled for quite some time yesterday. Poor Chunk, he's the only boy and he constantly gets in trouble around here. I find him too adorable to really get mad at, but I am alone in that opinion.
I did not make it to the store yesterday, but I did scavenge enough stuff for a green smoothie, so no scurvy for me. Today I have almost no choice, I need to go to the store. It's like back in school, I would procrastinate studying until the night before, when I had no choice but to cram. I just have days where I can't handle the bus and stores. Although there is a grocery closer to me that I could walk to and from, it's more expensive, especially their produce, which is what I mostly need. The thing about riding public transportation is that it is , well public. So people think they can just opine on your clothes, whether or not you're smiling, the weather, politics, etc. And sometimes I just want to get some vegetables and not chat about it. Not to mention that a few days ago when I was on the bus, the person behind me was clipping their nails, and I was scared that I was walking around Ballard with nail clippings on my back! That aren't even mine! To make matters worse, the person in front of me was brushing her hair, and I could see the loose hairs and whatever else just floating around my personal bubble. I am not a germaphobe, but come on!! 
I stll pulled together a pretty decent dinner, thanks to odds and ends. I whipped up a kind of veggie Lo Mein, with oven baked tofu, and by veggies I mean corn, green onion and cilantro! It worked, and no nail clippings were involved.
Sometimes I like cooking when I "have nothing to eat" better than when I'm fully stocked. It makes me get more creative and inventive. I used one teaspoon of roasted sesame oil in the sauce, other than that this dish is oil free, but still has that slippy-slurpy mouth feel of take-out Lo Mein.
I read some really good vegan news this weekend. I'm really noticing a lot of non vegan publications running articles on the benefits of eating a vegan diet. As much as I will NEVER understand this, there are people in this world that don't like animals, and people who claim to love them, but also love to eat them. And, there are people who are just too apathetic to really care. So, I'm glad that these articles are showing up in mainstream, non vegan publications, and coming from different perspectives than just animal rights. I have noticed in my own life sometimes people blow off things that I say, because it's like, I'm a vegan, of course I would say that. But there are people who really care about the environment, so maybe they will at least cut back on meat consumption for the love of the planet. Or, there are people who have health issues, or are worried about health, so maybe they would consider giving up or cutting back for their health, or looks. Who cares what reason, it all saves animals. It's hard to ignore the fact that the very food that is causing so much animal suffering is also destroying the planet, and destroying people's lives and health.
Here is a really great article I came across yesterday. This is really big, because clearly this guy is kind of a big deal in the restaurant biz! Let's turn veganism into a fashion statement, not a trend. Trends come and go, let's make veganism a classic, like a crisp white shirt and a pair of jeans, or whatever the classic fashions are. I would like to live in a world where people gasp, stare, and ask dumb questions when you say you eat animal products.


  1. Cricket likes to bully Paco. Since Paco has immune issues I always break it up. She's never really done anything BAD but she annoys the heck out of him! And I wouldn't want anything to happen to him, ya know? Kids!!!!! lol

    1. I know, you really have to monitor them like they're kids!

  2. Aww kitty hugs! That is too cute! That Lo Mein looks pretty great. I love seeing a lot of positive vegan press lately too! It's been great!

    1. I am so happy that people are starting to take a serious look at dropping the animal products, for whatever reason, the result is the same!

  3. The cuddly pic of Scrappy & Chunk is way too adorable! And your lo mein looks delicious! :)

    1. Thanks, it was tasty, who knew that corn would go with LoMein?

  4. I was in NYC visiting my sister and there were signs in the subway telling people to not bush their hair, do their make up, or clip their nails on the train. It is kind of funny but clearly people do that. I can't imagine the skill you would need to put make up on in the subway though, the train moves so much! I just imagine lipstick all over someone's face. XD

    1. I once rode the bus downtown and watched a woman put on a full face of make up as the bus was speeding along the highway. It was almost magical, because when she was done it looked better than what I could do standing still!

  5. What adorable kitties!! I totally know what you mean about public transportation- i am in nyc. The magic trick is headphones. Seriously. Who cares if you're actually listening to anything , it's the universal sign for don't talk to me ;)

    1. I know! I've decided I do need headphones, like you said even if I'm not listening to anything, because apparently I have a face that screams"talk to me", "tell me everything"! I can only imagine NYC!!

  6. Every day I remember why I prefer the company of animals, always have and probably always will!


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