Saturday, April 9, 2016

Vegan Takeover!!

I wanted to start off with something non food related, but still vegan! This Acure face mask is one of my favorites, and I recently got this eye cream on sale at Target. Both of these were on sale at Target actually. The eye cream is rich and creamy, and feels very soothing on the eyes. The mask makes my skin feel like I was at an actual spa, although in all honesty I've never been to a spa so how would I know? But you know what I mean. They are a vegan company, and they don't use any funky ingredients. Their prices are also very fair, and are often on the cheaper side compared to other vegan, natural products. This eye cream even not on sale is cheaper than the Say Yes To line. I seriously can't recommend the mask enough. To be honest, I think Acure might be my favorite of all the vegan lotions and potions I've tried so far.
I had a somewhat uninspired dinner. I was craving rice all day, so I kept it simple and had rice with some corn and a little steamed tofu that needed to be used up. I drizzled the whole shebang with the sweet chili sauce from Target's clearance bin. It's really tasty, a little spicier than other sweet chili sauces, and I like that!
I'm going to sign off for the day, but I will leave everyone with some super sweet news! I used to date a guy that looooooved Twix bars, and and a vegan I miss the occasional white chocolate treat, so things just keep getting better!


  1. Ooh, thanks for the recommendation for a good vegan facial cleanser!

  2. You're welcome! I have loved all of their products!

  3. Ooh, nice chocolate news. Should be able to get those here too. We have a vegan shop/diner in Manchester called V Revolution who get lots of imported US including chocolate and it's 5 mins from where I work. I shall have to look out for the Acure brand in TKMaxx. Lots of US beauty brands crop up in there that we don't see anywhere else. I bought a massive Say Yes To Cucumber hair conditioner one time for a bargain price that was great.

    1. I think vegan twix will be outstanding, not to mention white chocolate peanut butter cups! The Acure is so nice, I really love their products, I hope you can find some!

  4. The Acure products I have tried - I like! I'm out at the moment...sigh!

    Nice bowl!!!!!

    1. I love their products too. If you go to Erie to the Target, check there they have sales on the Acure stuff a lot!

    2. Oh! Good to know! I will be on the look out! We don't go there often but sometimes :)


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