Thursday, April 14, 2016

Getting Lost Downtown

I don't have any food pictures to show, because I had a crazy day yesterday. I took some free writing classes at the library last year, but so far in 2016 there really haven't been any. Until yesterday, I found one at the downtown branch, and let's just say that was an adventure. I used to work downtown, in pioneer square, so I'm not unfamiliar with downtown, but at the same time it's been a few years since I've walked around downtown. But, I got some pictures of some cool things, and I have to say I still feel dorky taking pictures in public, but I'm feeling less and less dorky. I guess practice really does make perfect!
This is a pretty little nature area that is right in front of my apartment. This is also the back drop for a bus stop right outside of my apartment. I love that Seattle is so green year-round. I think that fact alone really helped my mood. Erie is already a dirty, ugly city, and in the winter months when everything is dead and grey, it was just too much.
I don't know if this is an elevator, or what, but it has these beautiful circles of color glass, and it reminds of a deconstructed stained glass window or something. I am a HUGE lover of stained glass.
I tried to catch the actual monorail, but alas it was an elusive creature. But, there are the monorail tracks(?) along with a double decker bus!!! That is a new thing to me, these didn't exist when I lived here before. I need to ride a double decker bus.
There is a veggie grill downtown! I know there used to be a loving hut, which unfortunately closed before I moved back. I was kicking myself because I didn't bring any money with me, except for bus fare, and a few dollars to give to homeless people. I always fear losing my money downtown because I can get flustered very easily. At the point that I stumbled across this, I was lost so I'll have to google the address, but I will make it down there for food. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world to live in a city with a veggie grill! And there were tons of people going in and out! Woot Woot!
This is not the best picture, at this point I was super lost trying to find a bus home, and I was really overwhelmed with the crowds, smells, and just general noise. But if you look closely, this store had all the beautiful old sewing machines as a window display.
And finally I found my way home. I took this picture from the window of the bus. Look at the mountains in the background!
And I got to come home to my cozy little feline family, and all was right in the world. Or should I say write in the world!


  1. Awwww! Your kitties look like the Chinese Yin/Yang symbol :)

    1. They do, I just noticed now that you say that!

  2. Aww the little kitties!! Seattle is seriously such a beautiful city. When I lived in the University District I was luck enough to have a beautiful view of downtown and the mountains at the same time. It's so cool to have both! I love that they have a Veggie Grill now! I can't wait to hear about it when you go! Sometimes it is fun to get lost in the city :)

    1. I love that you can see city and mountains here. It really is pretty, being downtown I was really reminded of why I love this city! It is fun to get lost, because you see things that you might not normally. Like Veggie Grill! I can't wait to go, especially cause the weather is getting nicer!

  3. So lucky to have veggie grill! I wonder when they will branch out to the East Coast? I hope you had fun in the city- I love taking a day in a city and coming home to peace and quite... and kitties.

    1. I know, as soon as I saw Veggie Grill I was like "I live in this city"! Very amazing! I would think they would be branching out soon, because I know they are successful on the west Coast, and I know they want to really make vegan food easily accessible to everyone.
      My apartment felt like a zen retreat when I got home!

  4. The cats are ADORABLE! LOVED seeing the pics from downtown, too!


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