Saturday, April 30, 2016

Mini Haul, Vegan Pizza, and Cats!!

I stumbled across a video on YouTube of someone making tamales for dinner. She was so calm and casual about making them, and it seemed sooooooo easy, I got inspired to try making vegan tamales myself! I've only eaten tamales once in my whole life, and it wasn't a fresh tamale, it was some kind of frozen vegan tamale. It was really tasty, but also really expensive. I don't see vegan tamales often in the grocery, and when I do they are just too expensive. I just always assumed making tamales was super hard, and that you needed a ton of special equipment. But you don't! Just a steamer basket, and your hands.
I bought the fixings, and today in my kitchen I will be making black bean and green chili tamales. With a little daiya of course. I'm super excited, my taste buds are tingling. I feel like figuring out how to roll sushi rolls has given me the confidence to take on the tamale! Hopefully I will have some delicious tamale pictures! I even splurged and got some tofutti sour cream so I can really dress up my plate.
I also got a few other condiments because I can't remember the last thing I've eaten without sriracha or hot sauce.
This hummus dressing was on sale, so I had to try it. I am starting to crave salads more, and agave mustard hummus dressing? Yes please.  I also think it might be a good dipping sauce for sweet potato fries.
And, I had to try a new to me pizza with my Amy's coupon.

I had this for dinner last night. I had a pizza and movie night with a friend. I really liked this. Amy's roasted vegetable pizza is my all time favorite pizza, but I've been disappointed in other frozen vegan pizzas. Amy's used the right amount of daiya, and the sauce is really tasty. I added red pepper flakes because I like it spicy. I would definitely buy this again. But, like the roasted vegetable pizza, it's on the pricier side. Over seven dollars for a not too big pizza is a bit much for a regular thing, but it sure is a delicious treat.
I also decided to try a new to me flavor of kombucha. And it's not Kevita! I have tried so many kombuchas since moving back to Seattle, and Kevita is my all time fave, but sometimes you have to try new thangs!
They make my second favorite kombucha, the Asian pear flavor, so with ginger, cardamom, and rose how can it be bad? I just opened it, and while it's not bad, it is very dry. I remember trying a few brands that are super dry, and coming to the conclusion that I prefer a sweeter booch!
And, before I sign off, because it's Caturday, I leave you with this adorable picture of a three cat pile-up happening on my couch!
Because Kanye is the smallest, she always forces her way in for all the cuddles!


  1. Hi, Can you please provide a review of Ripple Dairy-Free milk? I trust your reviews. Thanks.

    1. I haven't seen Ripple milk anywhere, I had to Google it! I always love to try new plant milks, so when I see it I'm sure it will make it's way into my cart!

  2. This tamale venture is so exciting!! I can't wait to see how they come out!! The hummus dressing looks really great too, looking forward to a review of that too!!

    1. I had tamale success! Woot woot! I will be trying the dressing probably today, and will definitely write a report! I hope it's as good as I am imagining.

  3. Awwww, Kanye looks so proud of herself for getting right into the middle of the cuddle pile! :)

    1. I know! She can teach lessons about how to squeeze yourself into any situation that might involve cuddles!

  4. Good condiments are so important! I love the teriyaki flavor from that same company soy vay (trader joe's calls it soyaki, same exact thing). The hummus dressing sounds good too! Pizza and a movie with a friend sounds like a great evening :)

    1. I love the soyaki, it's in my fridge next to the hoisen garlic sauce! I'm like a five year old in that I love dipping, and I love sauces so much!
      The hummus dressing is out of this world!

  5. Gotta LOVE interesting condiment-finds!!!!


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