Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Target Vegan and Clearance Haul

Yesterday I went to Target for light bulbs and garbage bags, and left with much more. In my defense, I had a coupon for Ben&Jerry's, and I needed a hug from them after the Amy's debacle. Also, Target was having like a huge clearance on all kinds of condiments. They must be making way for either new types of condiments, or the summer condiments? I'm not sure, but if you love condiments you should check your Target, you might find some of the same insane deals.
Kitty feet and noses have returned!
Everything pictured was on clearance except the coconut sugar and ice cream. The mustard is cayenne mustard, and I tried some last night and it is spicy and perfect. It's not spicy like Dijon, it's spicy like mustard and hot sauce combined. The diced jalapenos were fifty cents a can! The A1 sauce is vegan, and it's sweet chili garlic. It was way cheap, so I had to get some for my fries! The other bottle is a sweet chili sauce that was also ridiculously cheap. And while I rarely buy frozen fries, these were also on super clearance, and I have a hard time resisting a waffle fry! I chose PB& Cookie, and Chunky Monkey for my Ben&Jerry's flavors. They were all sold out of the coffee fudge flavor, so it was easy to choose these two flavors.
I was going to make veggie Lo Mein last night, but I really need to get some veggies first, so I tried the Ore Ida Steak cut fries with some of the chili sauces I got. I just love to dip! The A1 would be really good on a veggie burger, like the Beast Burger.
I need to get some fresh vegetables in my apartment soon. Today is a grey day, and I've had a few weird trips on the bus as of late, so I'm having a hard time convincing myself to go to Trader Joe's. I rarely miss having a car, but today is one of those days where it would be really lovely. Le sigh.
Will I make it to the store, or will I die of Skurvy?


  1. Oh, no!! I'll overnight you some limes so you don't get a vitamin C deficiency ;). I love to put mashed potatoes and vegan meatballs in a bowl and drown them with A1 - can't wait to try that new flavor. I finally got Ben&Jerry's!! I got the Chunky Monkey & the coffee caramel fudge. Wanted the peanut butter too but I had to show some restraint. Also got Follow your Heart's VeganEgg after seeing Alien on Toast's video about it. I'll go to the gym more this week so I can justify eating an entire pint in one sitting. You NEED some after the Amy's debacle. We shall never speak of it again...

    1. Ohh, that mashed potato bowl sounds right up my alley, will have to try that!
      Ooh, which flavor will you try first??
      I need to find that VeganEgg myself. I watched the same video, and I could hardly believe that scramble! It looks so much like scrambled eggs, I'm almost scared!
      I did need some real vegan ice cream to make me forget that OTHER kind!

  2. Have you tried downloading the app Cartwheel when shopping at Target? It is nice to flip through all the sales and get some extra discounts, though I've never really had too many big sales (except when I save 30% off of allergy medication... which I got a BIG bottle so that was sweet)

    When I lived in Philly the only times I missed having a car was when I would go grocery shopping. It was close enough to walk, but far enough to ration what I would buy. I hardly ate fruit since I didn't want to carry it for over a mile, I also didn't buy milks, cans, or juices. XD

    1. Thanks for the tip, I haven't heard of that app, but I always like sales, and that sounds easier than tying to peruse the whole store.
      I know what you mean about shopping with no car. Today I need plant milk, and pineapple juice for my smoothies, but I will have to choose one, because I also need potatoes which are heavier. It just means having to make more trips, where as if I had a car, I could bust out all of my errands in one day on one trip. And everything is always lighter when it's in the basket/cart!

  3. Great finds! I really need to start MWM up again! So sorry!

  4. Skurvy! OMG Just saw that! LOL

  5. Good score on the bargain condiments. I'm a big fan of them too and once did a painting where I drew all the condiments in my fridge and named it after the line from Fight Club - A Fridge Full of Condiments and No Real Food!

    1. That's so funny, I've had a fridge full of condiments so many times! I always feel like a college student!

  6. I don't have it anymore as it got sold from an exhibition but just found a pic of it on my blog :)

  7. I am such a sucker for condiments on sale too!! I always bring a backpack when grocery shopping, makes it a lot easier to take stuff home-trader joe's is probably my favorite store! Especially the frozen meatless balls, soyaki sauce, tempeh and cuban beans (which are great ontop of a baked sweet potato)

    1. I've decided I need a backpack, it seems easier on the body. I've been meaning to try the Cuban beans, and I lobe black beans and baked potatoes together!


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