Sunday, April 3, 2016


I was in the Grocery Outlet neighborhood yesterday, so I stopped in to see what was new. Yesterday was a day where not much was new. That's how it goes though. I figure that almost every time I've gone to Grocery Outlet I've scored soooo many cool things, I was due for a dud.
No kitty noses, feet or tails!

The kombucha is from Safeway which is by my bus stop. I got organic lomein noodles for ninety nine cents, and the Califia farms creamer for under two dollars at Grocery Outlet, so I still say it's a win. I stopped in Safeway to see if they had the habanero mango booch, and saw this dargonfruit lemongrass flavor! I love that Kevita has all these new flavors! I've never really tasted a dragonfruit that has a ton of flavor, but I LOVE lemongrass. I'm super excited to try this one! After trying tons of kombuchas, I have to say that Kevita is my favorite. I love all the flavors, and it isn't too dry. I never liked dry wine or champagne, and I guess I don't like dry kombucha either.
I needed a hug, so of course that means mashed potatoes and gravy for dinner! I added some leftover chickpeas that needed to be used to the gravy, and added some frozen corn just because. I think mashed potatoes and corn go together like me and cats. It just works.
This morning I had one of my cupboards open, so Kanye jumped in, and I got this funny picture of her. She had just eaten breakfast, so she's licking her lips, but it looks like she's sticking her tongue out at me!
Out of all of my cats, she would be the one who would stick her tongue out at me. She is very hands off, when you pet her, she kind of cringes like ooh, you're so gross. She makes me feel like a creepy man when I pet her. The funny thing is that she loves to cuddle on my lap, or right next to me when I sleep, as long as I don't touch her.
Happy Sunday!


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