Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Return of the Mash

I looked up some recipes for this mysterious purple broccoli, and in the end I ate it raw for lunch, with some Persian cucumbers, avocado, and baked tofu.I dipped the veggies in garlic tahini sauce, and I dipped the tofu in spicy mustard. Yum. I always feel virtuous when I eat a plate or bowl of raw veggies at lunch. The purple broccoli reminds me of baby broccoli, or broccolini. It's tender and a bit more mild than broccoli. I enjoyed it, and it's always fun to try new veggies.
I made mashed potatoes with the Farmer's Market potatoes. They looked like Yukon gold's on the outside, but they were very white on the inside, so I'm not sure what kind they were. Either way,  they made a great mash! I also mixed in some sweet onion chives.
I know I've shown a picture of this gravy before, but it is worth repeating. It have very few ingredients, none of them funky, and it is so dang delicious. The savory herb is my favorite. Not all their gravy mixes are vegan, but this one, the brown gravy mix, and also the vegetarian turkey gravy are all vegan, and all delicious.
I also heard back from Amy's, they were very sweet, and said that the ice cream is not supposed to be gritty. I assume like a few of you suggested, it was freezer burnt. They're sending me some coupons, woot woot! I appreciate that they got back to me, and were very nice, and wanted to try to fix the issue, or I guess make up for the issue. That doesn't always happen, so I really appreciate when it does.
This must be the day I repeat myself, because I wanted to bring up something else I've mentioned before. It's one of my favorite podcasts, Vegan Warrior Princesses Attack! Since I was turned on to them, there hasn't been a single time I've listened that I haven't cried at some point. If you have ever been oppressed in anyway, or belittled for your feelings and opinions, or ever just felt really alone this is the podcast for you. Every single time there is something that's said that I need to hear. In a very non judgmental way they have inspired me to make some changes and stop using some products that I used to justify for one reason or another. I just love it, and it's great to listen to while you clean, it makes time fly by!!
Happy Tuesday!


  1. Glad to hear that Amy's got back and gave you some coupons. Hopefully it will be better next time!

    And I love Vegan Warrior Princesses Attack!

    1. I can't thank you enough for turning me on to them. I know it sounds crazy, but i really do cry every time i listen, because they say thoings that I've been thinking, but never had the courage to say it, other than to myself. They make me feel understood. My favorite thing about them is how they seriously care about issues other than veganism, like racism which is very important to me. They are just really inspiring, cool and if I ever met them, I would probably pass out. They are up there with Cenk Uyger in my book.

  2. I can't wait - one of our local produce stands opens next Friday! Woot!


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