Monday, April 4, 2016

I Can't Give This Stuff Away

I love this old picture of  Doris Day! I love her shirt!

Isn't this a cool picture? Yesterday was Doris Day's birthday, and this was the picture that was used. I would love to have that shirt. I bet it pissed some people off back in the day, because wasn't she considered to be a "sweetheart" of some kind? And she looks serious too!
I'm going to start with some bad news first. I try to stay away from doing bad reviews, especially with companies like Amy's, who have been making awesome vegetarian and vegan meals forever, and I personally know a lot of meat eaters who like Amy's meals, especially the mac and cheese. But, I feel it is my duty to warn people against this abomination dressed up as ice cream. Has anyone ever had ice milk? (blech) I remember when I was an itty bitty and my grandpa had a heart attack, he had to change his diet. One switch was no more ice cream, it was all about the ice milk. I remember how bad I felt for my poor grandpa. Well, unfortunately this stuff is an EXACT replica of ice milk. Or the cheapest ice cream the dollar store has to offer. It crunched when I was scooping it out, there is not an inch of creaminess to this stuff. And it's made from coconut milk!! It is not low calorie or low fat. This is hands down the worst ice cream, vegan or not I have ever had. It's not even just the ice-y, gritty texture. It's that it is sooo minty that it has a floral aftertaste. I feel so bad, but the truth is I have not one good thing to say about this. I hate to waste food, and I hate to waste money, but I think this is going to have to get thrown away. I jut don't think this is worth the calories. I'm sorry Amy's, you need to work on this formula.
Thankfully dinner was much better than dessert. I made BBQ jackfruit, and I used the Trader Joe's Carolina Gold sauce, which if you haven't tried it, you should. It's a mustard-y BBQ sauce, and it is tangy and so tasty!
I served it with a little coleslaw made wit Just Mayo. I also served it on a potato bun, which was perfect for this sandwich. I don't think I've ever had potato buns or rolls before, and I've been missing out. They're soft, but also dense so they can handle some saucy fillings.
I stuffed the leftover jackfruit and slaw in a tortilla with a little daiya for a tasty breakfast burrito this morning. I love that jackfruit is super filling, but also light. You feel full, not heavy after eating it.
I also wanted to remind anyone who didn't see my post lat Wednesday, but I have some coupons for Qrunch burgers that I'm waiting to give away for those who can find these burgers. I have three free coupons, and four dollar off coupons. No one has gotten back, so if you see them at your store, you have a good chance of winning!
Happy Monday!


  1. Yuck, I remember ice milk. What's the point if it tastes awful? I bet your heart sank when you heard it crunch :(. You have to wonder what the quality taste testers were thinking when they green-lighted this product. Thanks for the honest review; you saved the rest of us from disappointment. I've never heard of potato buns - yum!!!

    1. Yes, as soon as I put the spoon in and heard a crunch, I knew I had wasted money. Texture is very important for ice cream, the name cream isn't there just for fun! I also wondered the same thing, how on earth did this green green-lighted? Even if you get past the horrible mouth feel, the taste is terrible too!
      I had never had potato buns before either, but they're the perfect roll for sandwiches and burgers in my opinion.

  2. I am sorry to hear that ice cream sucks. I've been eyeing it up everytime I go grocery shopping. Maybe if you write to the company you can get a replacement/refund? It could be that there was shipping issues and it melted the refroze?

    I recently tried a new 'ice cream' called Sorbabes. It has a sorbet texture but richer than normal sorbet. It was yummy, I had some sort of chocolate espresso flavor. I liked the weird concoction they invented. Light yet rich.

    I didn't know that photo was of Doris Day! That's so cool.

    1. I was thinking about Emailing them, because it was really terrible! I really enjoy sorbet, but I've only had fruity sorbets, chocolate espresso always sounds good!
      I know, who knew Doris Day was a) such an animal lover and b)kind of a bad ass!

  3. I ALMOST bought some of those Qrunch Burgers the other day at Wegmans in Lakewood and didn't...eeeek....

    1. You are the third person to say you can find Qrunch burgers! Email me you're address and I will mail you a coupon for a free box!!!

  4. Thanks for the review on the Amy's Ice Cream. i had a feeling it wasnt worth the $$.

    1. It so wasn't. It was worth no money! I did Email them, so let's see what happens.

  5. Ugh! What a bummer! I appreciate bad reviews as much as good- sounds like maybe it was freezer burned? Although that doesn't explain the terrible flavor. You should totally email them- they need to know how bad it is!
    I can find Qrunch burgers if you're still trying to give away coupons :))
    My email is ttrockwoodATyahooDOTcom ;)

    1. I di Email them yesterday. I felt like I had to do this review, because Amy's is a pretty trusted brand, and this just was not up to par. You are the second winner of a free box of Qrunch burgers! If you want to email me your address, I will get it in the mail! Woot Woot!


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