Sunday, April 17, 2016

Grocery Outlet + Vegans = Love!

I was in the neighborhood of a Grocery Outlet yesterday, and I just couldn't not go in. It's always like an adventure, a vegan treasure hunt if you will.
Chicory root beverage, Udon noodles, Heinz vegetarian baked beans,Ritter bar,Chia pods, pineapple,baked tofu
If you look closely, you can see Scrappy's paws. She was dying to get to that pineapple, even though I bought two, and left one on the floor to be chewed on. Cats! They had Udon noodles for ninety-nine cents! And they are vegan, and organic! On of the reasons I don't buy Udon noodles that often is the price. They're usually double the price of rice noodles. And the chia pods were also only ninety nine cents! I got blueberry and mango. The Caf-Lib stuff is a coffee substitute, made out of roasted chicory, and barley. I found this jar for only ninety nine cents! I'm sensing a theme here! Anyway, I made a cup when I got home, and consider my mind blown! I've heard of people drinking Dandy Blend, but I've never been able to find it. I used to have a serious coffee addiction. Like well over two pots a day. In between coffee I would sip on Red Bull. I gag thinking about it. I really miss coffee, and though I still treat myself every now and again, I don't keep it in my home, and I haven't owned a coffee pot in years. But, sometimes I miss the rich bold taste of coffee, and yerba mate will never fill that void! This Caf-Lib sure will! It was love at first sip. It's like coffee without the harsh caffeine, and also without that bitter aftertaste of coffee. I am obsessed, and I plan on going back to Grocery Outlet to buy many more jars of this stuff. It's a game changer. If you love coffee and want to cut down, I seriously recommend looking into roasted chicory beverages. And you know how instant coffee has that GRODY instant taste? This does not. It's everything.
Califia Farms is making lemonade now!  They have this Meyer lemonade, and also a lime ginger which sounds great too. They are also making their vegan coffee beverages in single serve bottles, which means competition for Starbucks! Woot woot! This lemonade is really tasty. It has that sweet and pucker taste that I find essential in a good lemonade.
I decided to try my hand yet again at making Eggplant Parmesan. I have struggled with making this dish for my whole life. I haven't had it since going vegan, and every time I attempt it it is a disaster. Like completely inedible. This time, I salted the slices first to pull out the bitterness, and I have to admit it helped. It is totally worth the extra step and time. I also used the batter technique for my favorite recipe maybe ever, General Tso's Cauliflower. I baked the slices alone for twenty minutes or so, and then assembled the casserole and finished baking. I can't believe it, I liked it, I really liked it! The eggplant was cooked, and it was not a greasy mess! It was delicious! I made a cashew cheese sauce, and drizzled it with a little leftover pesto when it came out of the oven.
It was actually really easy to make, and it was so delicious! I really felt like I did something nice for myself. In  the past, I've always tried to kind of fry the eggplant slices in some olive oil, and I always feel like the eggplant sucks up all the oil, and it just becomes a greasy mess. Other times when I've tried to bake the slices, I've dipped the slices in plant milk, and then Panko, and the breading doesn't stick, the eggplant don't cook, and it's just an ungreasy mess. But using a flour/water mixture then Panko seems to be the key to making oil free eggplant slices.
Finally, I'll leave you with an Angelic shot of Kanye. Like her namesake, she can be difficult, so this picture is a rare moment. She also wanted me to remind everyone that she is named after Kanye West, not Kanye Kardashian!
Very alert!
Happy Sunday!


  1. Yes!!!!! Your post could not be more timely. I'm told I should give up coffee and it's my only vice :(. I don't drink a lot and only in the morning but my body holds onto the effect and I can't sleep at night. I trust your recommendations and will try Caf-Lib if I can find it. I recently ordered some of those Concord grape fruit stix you blogged about a while ago and they are delicious. Just pure grapes and nothing else - like Twizlers but so much better. Eggplant Parmesan is one of the foods I miss the most but yours sounds and looks so good! Maybe I should try to make some using the Follow your Heart VeganEgg with cashew cheese and pesto :)

    1. I seriously recommend Caf-Lib. I was reading up on these coffee alternatives, and they seem like a healthier option than decaf coffee. I was seriously blown away by how satisfying this stuff is. With a little coconut sugar and some caramel almond milk creamer, I felt really satisfied!
      I love those concord grape stix! I'm so glad you like them too!
      I bet the veganegg would be the perfect substitute for the eggplant Parmesan! I need to find that!!

    2. I hope you can find the Caf-Lib, I had never before seen this anywhere, but I know Amazon sells both this and the Dandy blend!!

    3. Oops, I meant to say using the liquified VeganEgg to dip the eggplant in before dipping in bread crumbs and "Parma"
      (So easy to make yourself as it's just nutritional yeast, walnuts and sea salt). I didn't word it properly. :(. Thanks for the tip on looking for Caf-Lib. I seriously LOVE coffee and don't wanna give it up but I love sleep more.

    4. Ha ha, I knew what you meant! It would probably be the most authentic version of eggplant parm!

  2. What a great haul!! Udon noodles are my FAVORITE!!! I love the texture, they are just the best noodles ever. Have you ever tried looking for them in an Asian market? The prices tend to be better.

    You have definitely been inspiring so many of my purchases recently and I thank you for that ;) I just bought a Kevita drink (couldn't find the citrus though, wah!) and now I have to watch out for that lemonade!! Nothing beats lemonade on a warm day and that sounds amazing!

    1. It is definitely getting into lemonade season, and I couldn't be happier. I have to try the lime ginger next! I hope you love the Kevita!

  3. What great finds!! Although i make my own chia pudding those chia pods are somehow waaayy better- but also easily $3 each here! Owch. I would have scooped up a ton if they were just a buck!
    I think it is just too funny that your kitties love the pineapple tops!! What an easy way to make them happy :))

    1. I just had thew blueberry pod this morning, I might have to go back to Grocery Outlet to buy more!
      I swear their eyes light up more when I bring home pineapple than kitty toys, or cat nip!

  4. I started to drink Cru Bru which is cocoa nibs that are roasted like coffee. It isn't EXACTLY like coffee but has a unique cool flavor that I like. I am a big coffee fan too.

    1. Where did you find the Cru Bru? It's nice having other options besides tea. Sometimes I want something stronger, but not necessarily caffeinated.

    2. It is actually Crio Bru (my bad.... I figured it out when looking it up) I found it in two stores- Whole Foods, though they stopped carrying when I went recently (I saw it like a few years ago so..... it might not be an option) I found it also at Wegman's which ironically, they carry it in the Eerie PA location. Sorry T__T BUT their website has a store locator and it seems to have some Seattle locations but I have no idea how the city is laid out and which part you are near so you should check it out:

  5. How did I miss this post? SORRY!!!! Meyer Lemons - my FAVE Lemons!!!!


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