Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Ballard Love

Have you ever gone back to a city where you either lived, or visited and hoped that certain things haven't changed? I felt that way coming back to Seattle. I expected to see a lot of change, but I hoped to see certain things remain the same. When I lived here before, it seemed like every neighborhood was going through some sort of gentrification. I was pleasantly surprised that my favorite neighborhood, Ballard has stayed almost the same. There are a few new condos and unbelievably huge apartment towers, but other than that it is Ballard through and through. Believe it or not, this tea house is a place I thought of often while dying in Erie. I always wondered if it was still around, and if he still set out ice cold bowls of water for the dogs being walked. I almost cried the first time I rode the bus down 85th street and there it was. And they do tea dating now??!!

It's just so lush and green, and inviting. Even though I've never gone in. Ha ha. And the yard stays green all year round. The guy who owns/lives there drives a jeep and has a long grey beard. I always felt like I wanted to go in, but I always talked myself out of it. Maybe I will go in someday. Anyway, I walked by yesterday and it was so pretty I had to take some pictures.
I ran into Grocery Outlet to get another jar of the chicory beverage since who knows when I will see it again, and I had to get this Nutchello. It's a "nut based beverage". It's made with almonds and cashews, and I've been seeing it around, but it's pretty pricey for something I've never had, and it's a pretty big jug, so you know. But Grocery Outlet had it for ninety eight cent! I figure even if I don't want to drink it straight, it can be a tea creamer, since I love the caramel almond milk creamer so much. And it's more than ninety eight cents! And this Steve's non dairy ice cream was some kind of deal too. I tried their coffee non dairy back in PA. I remember the Co-Op carried it. And it was dang good. And how good does chocolate salty caramel sound? Here are some other non dairy flavors they offer. Although two flavors have honey, so that's kind of a bummer. I need to get my hands on speculoos cookie butter.
I have had a mad craving for veggie sushi since Saturday, so my avocado was finally ripe enough to roll up. For dinner last night I made avocado, carrot, and tofu rolls. I am finally feeling comfortable rolling sushi. The calmer I am, the better I roll. No, I did not steal that line from Matthew McConaughey. I'm glad I figured it out, rolling your own is so much cheaper than store bought, or a restaurant!
The middle roll is bigger than the others, but hey, it's rustic! I think I might need to attempt a sushi burrito next.  This was a really perfect spring meal. Filling, but light. 
I almost forgot to show my thrift store finds! I got three shirts and a plate for ten dollars. Woot woot!
Saving the environment and my wallet!
I mean, what would any kind of haul be without a kitty? It would seem unnatural!
Every day a different color is the fifty percent off color, and yesterday it was orange, so all items with an orange ticket were fifty percent off. The shirt with the pink and purple was only $4.99 to begin with, and it was half of that. I love it!
Happy Tuesday!


  1. That Speculoos cookie butter sounds divine. You've got to talk yourself INTO going to that tea house. It looks so charming from the outside. Check out what tea dating is like and report back to us :)

    1. I've made a promise that I will go in at some point. I kicked myself in Erie thinking I would never be able to check it out, so I promised myself I will go in at some point! Hopefully I can take pictures inside!

  2. Aww what a great trip! I'm so jealous of the hauls and that tea house is too cute! You definitely have to go in and tell us how it is!

    1. My goal is to pay that tea house a visit very soon!

  3. I will have to google that tea place! I wonder if we can get some teas for our Sororitea Sisters Tea Blog to review!? I know what you mean about re-visiting old stomping grounds! For the most part I have found the saying 'you can't go home' is usually the case. Eventho certain things never change - often - most things DO change. It's always nice to visit where I used to live but I long for the memories and that includes the people and many have passed on or moved on - you know what I mean!? But I do love visiting the areas when I can! I went two weekends ago and enjoyed the day!

    1. When I go in, I might be able to find out more info for you. I definitely plan on making a trip inside soon!
      I know what you mean. Nothing stays the same, and you're right, what we usually crave is our memories. Sometimes it can be a bit depressing to revisit the past.

  4. Trader Joes sells the Speculoos in the jar and the cookies. Or maybe I am not understanding that paragraph.

    1. Oh, I meant the seculoos cookie batter vegan ice cream from that Steve's ice cream company!


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