Friday, March 4, 2016

Vegan Food For All the Wins!

I figured I'd share this video. I love Lauren Toyota, I love both of her YouTube channels. I love that all these foods were a hit, and I was most pleasantly surprised by her reaction to the field roast sausages. I love seeing peoples minds open to the fact that VEGAN FOOD IS NOT GROSS! I bet the girl in the video will be buying more vegan foods in the future. Win.
I took my camera with me yesterday when I walked up my hill. Which has gotten so much easier by the way. Anyway, I was happy to see the veggie dog representing! There's a picture of a happy little dog on the van, and it's just another example of how people like to use happy animals to illustrate how wonderful their meat products are. I mean, hello how does that make any logical sense? I remember walking by a church once that had a sign for their weekly chicken dinner, and it had a picture of a happy chicken with a napkin  and fork and knife, smiling away. All I could think was, man that's some dark shit even for a church.
This is me when I came home from my walk. Afro has been being a sneaky, pushy girl who bum rushes her way out into the hallway. But, she stays glued to my leg and meowing like a big old scaredy cat. However, even though she's scared of the hall, she digs her claws into the carpet when I bring her in, and she insists on charging out every time! There are many people on my floor who have dogs, including the people directly across the hallway, so one of these days she is going to really get the shock of a lifetime!

This was my breakfast yesterday of lentil soup with some toasted sourdough baguette, and my lunch of five or six baby Persian cucumbers dipped in FYH vegan blue cheese. That dressing is truly a vegan miracle. I have had two different non vegans try it, and both agreed they would never know it's vegan.
Curried potato wedges for dinner.

I just got done eating breakfast, and I finally got around to making High Carb Hannah's oil free hash brown rounds! Oh my gourd you guys, these are amazing, easy, delicious and you should go make some. I added turmeric and smoked paprika to my shredded potatoes, and it gave them a nice color. To be honest, I didn't think these were going to work for me. You know how sometimes things work for some people, and not others for no real reason? But boy was I wrong! These turned out perfect, and you can eat them with your hands, they don't even fall apart! They'd be great for an on the go meal! I will definitely be making these again and again!
Happy Friday!


  1. Excessive yum factor in this post. I brought that same dressing with buffaloed cauliflower and celery sticks to a super bowl game last month and both were gone in no time; of course I loaded up because it was one of the few things I could eat there.
    You are hilarious! Seriously dark shit coming from a church. Was the chicken stoked because she was going to eat one of her relatives? What are people drawing these images thinking? Don't even get me started on the happy cow commercial who promotes how you can happily drink her milk without digestive problems because it's lactose free!

    1. I know, that commercial drives me crazy! And it seems like a lot of fried chicken restaurants and BBQ places really like to use cute little animal pictures as part of their logo. It makes me sick.
      I need to make some Buffalo cauliflower to go with that Blue cheese. It is seriously the best vegan product I've tried in awhile!

  2. Thank goodness it's almost dinner time! Your post made me even hungry! LOVE that your one cat is named AFRO!!!!!

    1. Ha ha! She has really fluffy fur, and when she was a little kitten it would just flow in the breeze as she ran for dinner. It still does, so I'm glad she hasn't outgrown the name. She also goes by Fro Fro!

  3. Well you can have my share of the vegan blue cheese stuff :) somehow that flavor never was something i liked... Lentil soup for breakfast is a good one, i need to do that myself soon!
    Your kitty is so funny- she will definitely get the scare of her life from a neighbor dog at some point!

    1. Blue cheese was always my favorite, and it reminds me of my grandpa!
      I love starting the day with lentil soup, especially if I have a busy day with a lot of activity. I once sent a friend who did construction work with some lentil soup for lunch, and he said he was shocked by how much energy it gave him!
      Afro is definitely going to get the scare of a lifetime one of these days!

  4. I agree with the animal representations in foods. Like the whole "eat more chicken" for Chickfile (how every to spell it) with cows. It is kind-of cute, but a little morbid. Those back stabbin speciest cows! You gotta represent all your animal buddies! XD

    1. It makes me sick how many ways we use cute images of animals to sell their dead flesh. I mean, if you really think about it, it is sick!


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