Sunday, March 20, 2016

Mini Vegan Haul!

Maybe my first haul picture without kitties!

I got a few things at my neighborhood grocery store. It's not my favorite place to shop, but it's close, and it is usually somewhat sane on an early Saturday afternoon. I got mostly healthy stuff, but I couldn't pass up the Gardein, it was two for something. I love the fishless filets so much, and I haven't had the porkless bites yet. I love their mandarin orange crispy chick'n, so I feel confident that these will be tasty. The only Gardein product that I haven't cared for is their chipotle lime tenders. All the rest is good stuff. I stocked up on more potatoes, including sweet. I've been craving sweet potato curry soup.
I'm so bad, getting more of the dirty Chai! But, like I said we are in the grey rainy season in Seattle, and some days, (most days) I feel like I need extra help. And oddly enough, this little grocery near my apartment is the only store I've seen carry the caramel Silk creamer.
More oven fries for dinner. These have turmeric, cumin, garlic powder, S&P, and 21 seasoning salute. BBQ sauce for dipping. OH Yeah. I truly feel like the potato cleanse did wonders for my potato cooking skills. I would enter a mashed potato or oven fry contest any day of the year.
I hope everyone has a perfect Sunday!


  1. I found the fishless filets on sale at Target on sale and took 3 bags home. I have been craving them. Damn McDonalds pushing their fish sandwiches during Lent! Slathered with Earth Balance tartar sauce, it's pure heaven. I cannot get over how spot on the taste is. Mmmmm, I need those oven fries to go with my fish now....

    1. That sounds really good. I usually make "fish" tacos, but maybe I'll make some oven fries and the filets. I have malt vinegar to tie it all together. I can't get over the taste, and also the texture. They somehow made it somewhat flaky. It's sooo good!

  2. I need to try small potato sides in my toaster oven! I might have to make that happen soon!

    1. I used to have a toaster oven, man I put that thing to work! I cooked everything in there!


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