Thursday, March 17, 2016

Chatty Cathy

You know those trust building, or group building exercises we've probably all done at one time or another? Well, yarn is the group building exercise in this house. As you can see you can do a loop the loop around, so I can stand and constantly tug the yarn from one side to another, and they all work as a team to make it stop. It is so fun for them! I like to play this if they've been getting on each others nerves. They work as a team, and fun is had by all.
I picked up these splurges at Target when I went to get laundry detergent. I've been off the La Croix for awhile, I felt like I was drinking too much, and I have been trying to cut down on waste and all of that. But sometimes a sparkly La Croix is a nice treat. Moderation. I love this tea, it's Mate and Lemon  Myrtle and it tastes really light.
Close up in all it's glory!
Target had Califia Farms coffee on sale, and I have really been loving caramel things, so I had to try it. It's funny because sometimes I cringe at the price of this, but Target had it on sale for $4.99, which is less than, or at least around the price of a latte at a coffee shop.
Target was also sold out of every single pint of the vegan Ben& Jerry's! I was going to grab the coffee caramel flavor, and the case was empty. I was too stunned to take a picture! I always find these situations to be good and bad news. It sucks that you can't get what you want, but I feel so happy that so many people are buying what ever the food is.I see every sold out vegan food as a step for animals. Even though I want to live in a house made of vegan Chunky Monkey, I want animals to be safe and have happy lives more. You know some vegans are going to be sharing this with some non vegans, and it's going to open sooo many minds! I wonder if Ben&Jerry's will have a hard time keeping up with demand. I remember that happened with Chao when they first came out, people were losing their minds over it, and there was a shortage for awhile.
I'm going to get my hair trimmed/cut today. I might get bangs. I got bangs for a short while when I lived in PA. but I grew them out, then cut them again, freaked out again, and grew them out. They felt weird on my forehead, and also I can't imagine trimming my own bangs, because scissors by the eye is never okay. So, it was just a lot of anxiety. So, why am I thinking of doing it again? I have no idea. I just feel like I need a change, a new look, I don't know. We'll see how I feel when I get there. I feel like my grandma, and I feel like I should be embarrassed to admit this, but I have a coupon for two dollars off at Mastercuts! Who uses a coupon for a haircut? I don't know, but I'm going to. Is that tacky? I don't know, and I've never done it. I also have a coupon for a free Chipotle burrito, maybe I could make a whole day of being a cheapskate! Ha, should I wear sandals and socks? I also have a five dollar off Bed Bath and Beyond, and I was thinking of getting a Himalayan Salt Lamp. I've been hearing good things, and I'm really hoping for some allergy relief. Bed Bath and Beyond has them on sale, so I could get one for under fifteen dollars. Spring is like my New Year. I get very into wanting to make improvements, and just kind of refresh my life.
Sorry, super long gabfest today! Happy Thursday, and if your into it, Happy St. Patrick's Day!


  1. This post was hilarious. You go, girl! Use those coupons! Why would retailers create them if they didn't want you to use them? No shame, no judgment.

    1. I did use it! I was embarrassed at first, but that was short lived once i realized I had much more to be embarrassed about!

  2. I used a coupon for a hair cut! No shame in that. But I guess mine was more a way to promote a new hair salon?

    My local shop sold out of Ben & Jerry's fast as well! I got a messed up pint so Ben & Jerry's sent a coupon for a free replacement. I went to the store and all they had was one lone brownie pint. I didn't want that so I am going to wait till they get more in.

    1. Well, don't ever us a coupon for MasterCuts unless you too want to look really bad!
      It's really awesome that they are selling out, not so much for those of us who want it, but it's great for everything else. Hopefully they will be inspired to make more flavors!

  3. Coupons can backfire on occasion, but the Chipotle one will make up for it.

    1. Never use a coupon at a MasterCuts, as a matter of fact, never use a Master Cuts!

  4. I still haven't tried that chocolate almond milk yet!


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