Tuesday, March 15, 2016

I Scream for Cilantro!

More good news for vegan ice cream lovers! I came across this article this morning, and as a huge fan of the cashew milk ice cream, I'm super excited! I'm really stoked for the creamy chocolate, and chocolate cookies and cream? Hello amazing idea, nice to meet you. I've always wondered why the ice cream is always vanilla in cookies and cream.
So, I decided to use my new rice cooker for the first time yesterday. I even read the instructions! I decided to use this medium grain rice I had gotten on sale. For some reason I've had real problems with cooking this in my pan. Pus, I am spoiled and I much prefer Basmati or Jasmine rice. Anyway, problem solved, the rice came out perfectly fluffy. The best part is I was able to use my pan to cook beans. I made a delicious burrito bowl with lots of cilantro and I used a dollop of garlic tahini sauce in place of vegan sour cream, and it totally worked.
The weather is supposed to be sunny(!!!) tomorrow, Thursday and Friday. I really hope they're right. I could really use some vitamin D. I hope to take my camera out and about and practice, because I need it, and maybe I can get some cool pictures. Between the rain/grey and my allergies my practice has gone be bye. I don't always remember to take my camera, but I try to take it with me when I go anywhere, and take at least one picture, even if I don't post it on the blog. I try to make myself take at least one around people, because I need to get over my anxiety, it's ridiculous. Like, my heart starts racing and I feel sweaty and stressed like I'm doing something wrong! So, yes, practice is needed.
Happy Tuesday!


  1. Oooh more vegan ice cream! I still haven't found the ben & jerry's, boo!!! Great looking burrito bowl! I think it's funny that cilantro is such a polarizing food.. you either love it or hate it. I can't eat cilantro because it tastes like soap to me and ruins an entire dish. I know people that love it and I just can't get past the soapy taste!

    1. I remember reading that our love or hate of cilantro is something we are born with. For some, it tastes like soap, and others love it. It's a rare black and white matter in a very grey world! Man, I hope you can find the Ben&Jerry's soon!

  2. I agree with the article, in that So Delicious cashew milk ice cream (especially the salted caramel cluster) is probably the best frozen treat out there. The new flavors sound amazing!

    It's like there's a new vegan product almost every week! I just can't believe how far we've come!!!

    The burrito bowl looks awesome!

    1. I know. It really is amazing how far we've come, especially in the last five to ten years.
      And yea, the salted caramel cashew is pretty close to perfection. It didn't surprise me to read that it's the most popular flavor.

  3. WOW! Awesome bowl you got there! BTW...sipping on Mango Coconut Kevita

    1. I now want another burrito bowl! How do you like the kevita?


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