Monday, March 21, 2016


I massaged a little kale with some lemon juice and salt and pepper and let it marinate while I cleaned my apartment yesterday. I mixed it with some Romaine and shredded carrot, and tossed it with FYH's vegan Caesar. So good. It was extra tangy from the extra lemon juice on the kale.
I made sweet potato soup for dinner. I used red curry powder instead of yellow this time. Red curry powder is definitely more intense, and I used a little less than I would yellow. Yesterday was a grey day, perfect for soup. I'm so glad I found an immersion blender at the thrift store! It's so much easier blending hot soups.
I'm going to try to get my hair fixed today. The lady who cut my hair had given me her card, and according to it she is off on Sunday and Monday. I don't want her touching my hair, and I just don't want the awkwardness of having to explain. Years ago, I had someone destroy my hair, and when I went to get it fixed, they tried to tell me the person who did my hair had to be the one to fix it, and I had to really argue to have someone else do it. I'm leery to let someone who has already made me look like a complete buffoon have a second turn, call me crazy! I'm trying to be very mature, and very not vain about it, but tears have been shed over how I look. I saw a little girl at the store the other day, and she was being super obnoxious, and she had a bad haircut. And, I realized she and I had the same haircut, as if the same frazzled mom had put the same bowls on our heads.
Happy Monday!


  1. In case you can volunteer, Seattle VegFest 2016 For the animals.

  2. YUM! Soup! Had some yesterday and it was wonderful! It wasn't homemade but hit the spot regardless!


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