Sunday, March 27, 2016

My Digits Survived!

Ballard Market is where I chose to go yesterday. I haven't been to this market since I moved back. Ballard market and The Central Market which I went to a few weeks ago are owned by the same person. There used to be a third market called Greenwood Market but that closed sometime while I was living in PA. The Central Market is my favorite of the three because they have a pretty big Asian section with so many different tofu options. Ballard Market has a huge bulk section, but I didn't really get any bulk items because it was a bit of a madhouse when I was there. It has to be bad for me to skip the bulk section! I might go back for some bulk needs, but other than that it's just like I remembered, too expensive. It's funny because people scream at you to shop local, but some of Ballard Market's prices rival Whole Foods. They also had a lot less vegan specialty fun items. I had given myself permission to get one splurge/treat, and all I could find was some Chao. And while Chao is my favorite, I have had it before so, you know.

I couldn't be more excited. This little used bookstore opened up off of Market Street. They weren't open when I was there yesterday, but I will be going back for sure! I looked in the window, and it looks like the bookstore of my dreams! It has a wooden staircase that leads up to the store, and from what I can see the shelves are jam packed! Not much in life makes me happier than a used bookstore. I have very fond memories of a certain used bookstore in Columbus Ohio that was a place to escape and find comfort as a kid. I could live in a used bookstore and die a happy lady.
Small haul. They had my favorite of all favorite, the champagne or Ataulfo mango. In my opinion these put all other mangoes to shame. I think it's mango season, so I hope to see a lot of these for the next month or so.
Have you guys tried this gravy? It is vegan, even the turkey flavored and they had a chicken flavor which I didn't get. It's super simple to make, and it tastes amazing. It's better than gravy I try to make. It isn't too expensive either. I've only seen this brand at Ballard and Central Market. If you see it and crave easy vegan gravy, you should try it! Here is a little more info if you'd like!
I just had this delicious breakfast. It's just my usual curry oven fries wrapped in Romaine leaves and dipped in some FYH vegan bleu cheese and Frank's buffalo sauce which is vegan! Wrapping potato wedges in Romaine leaves is really tasty. Like little potato tacos!
Happy Sunday!


  1. That breakfast looks fantastic for any time of day. You are fortunate to have so many great choices. Enjoy your reading.

    1. Thanks! It was really tasty. I can't get enough of that dressing. I can't wait to check out that bookstore. I hope they let me take some pictures.

  2. I LOVVVVVVE used bookstores!!!! They're the equivalent of human catnip! There's a chain in the Cleveland area called Half-Price Books where I would take my old books to sell but would just end up taking the money to buy other books they had. So much better than new bookstores because even though I love that new-book smell, there's something about a worn book - wondering how many others have read it and it's as if someone left it as a treasure for you to find :)

  3. I love Half Price books too! There is one here in the U-District right next to a Trader Joe's. Talk about a fun shopping day!
    I love reading books that have dog eared pages, and even sometimes you find books with little notes or passages underlined, and you feel connected to someone you'll never even know! I love the smell of used bookstores too, papery, kind of dusty, it just feels like home!

  4. LOVE seeing what you can find at different stores!!!! And I LOVE the sign with the Dino on it!!!

    1. I love it too, I smile every time I walk by!


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