Sunday, March 6, 2016

Dinner and a Haul

Well, I woke up to some exciting news today. First, let me start off by saying that I do not follow any sports, I know nothing about sports, and I certainly can't even stand the thought of boxing, cage fighting, extreme fighting, whatever it's called, I don't like it. So, I'm not even sure how I came across this news, but I learned that a vegan fighter beat Conor McGregor last night, and the dude who beat him is a vegan! Here is an article on the fighter that beat him. I read about this whole thing on a non vegan website, and they definitely spoke favorably of the vegan diet. They spoke of his strength and endurance, and credited his vegan diet for both! I really love how more and more athletes are coming out as vegan. It shows that vegans aren't a bunch of skinny, pale weaklings.
I went to Trader Joe's yesterday to pick up a few things I couldn't find at Grocery Outlet. It was a sunny, gorgeous day. It was a super nice surprise, because rain had been in the forecast. Trader Joe's on a Saturday mid morning can be a little intense. I have a small little grocery rant. I can't stand the big ass car carts at regular groceries, and I really can't stand the itty bitty carts for kids at Trader Joe's. I have gotten my foot ran over like a trillion times by those little carts, not to mention I have almost ran over several children because the cart is all the way down there.  I can appreciate that both the huge and the tiny carts might make life a little easier for parents, but still.

Image result for harumph                                                                                                                        
So, onto what I found, what I got. I stuck to mostly fruits and vegetables, with one super new to me impulse buy!
Look at all the nosy Nellies! Trader Joe's had five pound bags of clementines for some crazy price like $2.99! Scrappy was licking my frozen pineapple tidbits bag!
So, the impulse buy is a totally new to me vegan burger. It's a Thai sweet chili burger, and I had to get it. I think my favorite of all time veggie burger is their vegetable masala burger. So, when I saw this I couldn't say no to myself. I just have a feeling they're going to be AHMAZING!

These are some fresh noodles I found at Central Market the other week. They needed to be used, so I stir fried some garlic, onion and cabbage, made a little sauce of some Soyaki, and sriracha and added the noodles. I also baked some tofu to add at the end. The noodles were made here in Seattle! Look at me, I eat local and stuff.
Today is a grey day, so I'm off to listen to some podcasts while I do some deep cleaning. I'm sure I will have lots of furry help. Snort.
Happy Sunday!


  1. i didnt know the guy who beat MacGregor was vegan. That is cool. Great haul. Looks like you resisted the impulse stuff like cookies and chocolate.

    1. His brother, who is also a fighter is also a vegan. They've been vegan for a really long time too. They're mostly raw vegans too which is even more interesting. I was proud of myself. I find I get less impulse buys when I go on days like Saturday. When it's super busy I'm more focused on getting in and out.

  2. It is nice to see "manly men" who are vegan. I am not about fitting certain standards for genders but I know some people won't consider veganism if it challenges their masculinity.

    1. I agree. I hate that we even need to be talking about it, but it is a huge myth that vegans are puny wimps, and so these super muscle-y men is only helping things.

  3. Nice haul! And that Cat made me LOL by myself in the office hahahaha

    1. Isn't it hilarious! The perfect harumph face!


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