Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Dusting and Reorganizing

There were my three projects from yesterday. Both of the kitchen cupboards have been emptied, wiped down, and refilled in a more organized manner. Sometimes when I get home from the grocery, I just kind of shove stuff in there. Okay, not sometimes, most of the time. I often wish I could borrow a type A personality just for like one day a month. Anyway, I also reorganized my little bookshelf. I dusted everything, and got rid of some junk that had somehow piled on top. I need to work on my book collection. I used to have so many books, books everywhere. I had some rare books, and just all kinds of unique books found at library sales, and thrift stores, and second hand book stores. Some were given to me. They were my most prized possession besides Dylan, but Dylan was much more than a possession. This bookshelf needs more books for sure. But it's all clean, and dust free!
Isn't it funny what you learn when you reorganize your pantry? I realized I have entirely too many half bags of pasta! It's insanity! So, I will be eating all of those half bags before I buy any new pasta, I don't care how awesome, how vegan, how new, how cheap, whatever.
I have seen some awesome organization skills, so I'm sure to some people this probably still looks unbearable, but believe me when I say it's a mass improvement over what it used to be! I should have taken before pictures, but I just kind of started doing it, and before I knew it I was done.
This is some sweet potato cheese sauce I made with a sweet potato and one little yellow potato that needed to be used like yesterday. Perfect thing to mix with some noodles!!
As you can see, this is two shapes of pasta. I mean, I have a lot of opened bags that need to be used!
I basically used Buzzfeed Video's vegan mac and cheese, just with a few changes. Insted of carrot, I used a small sweet potato, and I used garlic instead of onion, and I also threw in about five red baby sweet peppers. For spices, I used smoked paprika, nutritional yeast, onion powder, turmeric, and a little cayenne. I also threw in about one fourth of a cup of shredded cheddar daiya. It really hit the spot.
I also got brave, and tasted the cheddar daiya cold, and guys, they really did improve it! I would eat it cold again with some crackers for sure. It's no Chao, but I am impressed. I actually ate two pieces cold because I thought my taste buds were deceiving me when I took my first bite and didn't die. Good job daiya, you've come really far!


  1. Organizing my pantry is a fun thing for me :) I always feel so accomplished when I'm done with it. I tend to lean toward organized chaos so it inevitably gets messed up again… which is fine because I just get to organize it again ;)

    The cheese sauce looks yummy! What a beautiful pic of the pasta! Are you enjoying your new camera? I'm going to guess yes, ha!

    1. I feel accomplished too! But like you said, before I know it, everything is insane again!
      I am LOVING the new camera! I still have so much to learn, but it's soooo fun!

  2. GAAH! That's the worst when one type of pasta says to cook for 10-13 minutes and another says 12-14 minutes. You're like "I THINK I put the first pasta in 3 minutes ago" and you hope that the penne and rotini come out evenly al dente. That sauce looks good. Chao rules!

    1. Ha ha, that kind of happened with these noodles. I threw them all in together, and later thought, I should have checked for the different times. Luckily this time it turned out okay! Chao is the best!

  3. Well done on the re-organising. Funnily just this evening Matt and I had a conversation about how we really must sort our pantry out. I'm sure there'll be some surprises lurking in there!

    1. It's crazy what you find. I always feel ashamed because I think of all the times I think"I have nothing to eat" and then you just find all this stuff!

  4. Everything looks incredible! Nice re-organizing adventure and YUMMY food!!!!!

  5. Good to hear that daiya is improving! I never cared to have cold cheese but I did discourage a guy from buying daiya because he wanted to eat it cold. I don't THINK he was vegan, but I told him is the best for melty cheeses. I hope he eventually gets it.

    1. Yes, I would never ever want a non vegan to taste daiya cold if they had never had any other vegan cheese! Good call on talking him out of it!


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